Friday, May 22, 2020
Intercultural Communication And Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural communication is defined as when people communicate with one another who have different cultures. They may differ because of their languages, beliefs, values, and behavioral characteristics (Bennett, 1998). The intercultural communication plays a key role in globalization. It will help organizations to have a long-term success if they can manage the cultural differences and intercultural cooperation effectively to conflicts. Increasing shared knowledge and dealing with miscommunication are the two main factors for having a successful intercultural communication. However, the difference in discourse systems is the most miscommunication issue that leads individuals to misunderstand and misinterpret to the contents or messages†¦show more content†¦These people need to be willing to realize the signifiers such as sounds, gestures, tones, and so on. This level also includes the basic concept of cultural diversities such as bias, ethnocentricity, and stereotype. The second level is organizing information according to stereotypes. This level is about to accept the stereotypical characteristics of new cultures. The new cultures that they face will bring them to get used to it. However, it can cause a stereotype to happen in the culture. One culture might think that all people are same in that culture. For instance, when Arabs are speaking, they like to stay close to another person. This will make another believes that all Arabs act like that. It is much more difficult if the stereotypes happen in the intercultural communication. This level has a high possibility for some people to fail at this level. The next level is to pose questions to challenge the stereotypes. They can solve the stereotypes problems by asking specific questions about other cultures. The questions need to relate to attitudes because they can increase their knowledge about other cultures. For example, they can ask how the relationship can be settled. The fourth level of interc ultural communication competence learning is analyzing communication episodes. After they understand more about other cultures, they are able to analyze the way to behave and communicate to others. They have moreShow MoreRelatedIntercultural Interpersonal Communication And Intercultural Communication Essay1301 Words  | 6 Pagesconcepts, one of which being the differences between intercultural and interpersonal communication. Intercultural communication is defined as â€Å"the process that occurs when members of two or more cultures or co-cultures exchange messages in a manner that is influenced by their different cultural perceptions and symbol systems, both verbal and nonverbal†(Adler et al., 2015, pg. 40). While most interactions seem to have some sense of intercultural aspect due to the great diversity not only in race butRead MoreIntercultural Communication : Communication, And Interpersonal Communication850 Words  | 4 Pagestime. 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Generally communication takes place with three steps. FIRST Is the thought or idea that comes in the mind of the sender. SECOND is the encoding which means sending message to the receiver in a particular gesture or sign or via a particular medium. THIRD is decoding of message which meansRead MoreIntercultural Competence Worksheet Essay1151 Words  | 5 PagesMaterial Intercultural Competence Worksheet Part 1: Short Paragraph Instructions: Respond to each question below with at least 150 words, using complete sentences. Additionally, include an example from the reading materials that supports your position. 1. What does â€Å"intercultural†communication mean to you? Intercultural communication to me means many things. It mainly means the way that people communicate throughout the different cultures that they derive from. Intercultural communication
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Is Diabetes A Serious Medical Condition - 1269 Words
Diabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to properly process food for use as energy. Most of what we eat is processed into glucose, a sugar the body requires to maintain normal and healthy function. Once glucose is produced and stored in the liver, it is released into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body for use by organs, muscle, and tissue. Insulin, a hormone created by the pancreas, is responsible to help glucose enter the body’s cells where it will be utilized as the primary source of fuel. When a person’s pancreas can’t make enough insulin to meet their need or their body is unable to use its own insulin effectively, they are said to be diabetic. Without appropriate access to†¦show more content†¦The reasons for this disparity are most likely manifold and may be attributable to: ï‚ · Social and environmental barriers to health care access. ï‚ · Lack of health promotion programs that target the DD population. ï‚ · Limited opportunities for meaningful physical activity. ï‚ · Limited understanding and participation in healthy lifestyle practices. ï‚ · Increased exposure to medications that raise blood sugar levels. Clearly the population we serve is at high risk for developing diabetes and diabetic related complications. Understanding this fact helps to underscore the importance of our need for diabetic awareness and the need to provide supports that help our participants to prevent and/or control the diabetic disease process. Types of Diabetes There are three main types of diabetes: ï‚ · Type 1 – With type 1 diabetes the body does not produce insulin to convert food into the energy needed for healthy day to day living. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed early in life when a person is a child or young adult. As there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, people inflicted with it will need lifelong insulin therapy coupled with a healthy lifestyle to live a long and happy life. ï‚ · Type 2 – With type 2 diabetes the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to meet the body’s needs or the body does not have the ability to properly utilize it. Type 2 diabetes is normally acquired
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Transgender Population Risk, Resilience And Clinical...
In Trauma in Transgender Populations: Risk, Resilience and Clinical Care Mizock and Lewis explains factors that put the transgender population at risk such as working in the sex industry or being targets of hate crimes. (Mizock Lewis, 2011, p. 336). This article also sheds light on some strategies and types of resources that can build resilience in transgender people. Mizock and Lewis gave a thorough description of what it means to be transgender, transsexual, transman etc. as these terms can often be misused and misapplied to this population. This article highlights some common traumatic experiences shared among the transgender population and how transphobia is contributing to this problem. (Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.336). I feel this†¦show more content†¦To imagine the thoughts and emotions a transgender can experience in effort to obtain a regular 9-5 job, who may feel so helpless and desperate that they decide to become a sex worker is frightening to me. I also didnâ€⠄¢t know transgender sex workers take â€Å"street hormones†in order to make themselves more â€Å"marketable†(Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.340). Prior to reading the article, I thought the transitioning process for transgenders was more accessible such as receiving the necessary hormone medications. Another risky behavior I was unaware of is among transwomen who â€Å"cut themselves in order to draw blood once a month to mimic the menstrual cycle†(Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.343). Although I understand the purpose of the cut, I don’t understand the purpose of the cut. It seems like transgender people are at a battle with themselves about who they want to be versus what the world dictates on how they should be. Not to go off topic but New York seems to be one of the most welcoming places for groups of different cultures and sub populations. I’m not saying hate crimes don’t happen to any marginalized groups in New York but I feel overall we’re very accepting of everyone. I’m beginning to wonder is it because I’ve lived in New York for so long that I’m blinded to what experiences marginalizedShow MoreRelatedTransgender Women And Depression : Cbt Approaches3770 Words  | 16 PagesTransgender women and Depression: CBT Approaches This paper will address the following topics in relation to applying TA-CBT strategies to Transgender women contending with depression. Why depression is a problem among transgender women, how CBT can be applied to working with women who are dealing with depression, the history and development of CBT, how TA-CBT can be used in practice, and evidence that supports the application of TA-CBT in treating depression among Transgender women. By utilizingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesmethods used in studies of organizational behavior.) Evidence-based management (EBM) complements systematic study by basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence. For example, we want doctors to make decisions about patient care based on the latest available evidence, and EBM argues that managers should do the same, becoming more scientific in how they think about managem ent problems. A manager might pose a managerial question, search for the best available evidence, and apply
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ecological Integrity At Risk for the Cadron Creek...
The Cadron Creek watershed covers approximately 775 square miles and is composed mostly of forests (48%) and grassland (37%). However, a pending permit, AR0052086C, would allow a centralized waste treatment facility to discharge, recycled fracking fluid waste waters into an unnamed tributary located within the Cadron Creek watershed. This unnamed tributary flows directly into Linn Creek, which would then feed into the north fork of the Cadron and eventually into the Arkansas river (ADEQ 2013). The Cadron Creek, located within the Arkansas river basin, is listed by the US Army Corps of Engineers as an extraordinary resource water body or ERWB (USACE 2013). ERWBs are important, because they satisfy a broad range of socio-economic, cultural,†¦show more content†¦Headwater streams are of particular interest, because they have much smaller catchment sizes in relation to larger rivers and thus are more readily altered by land transformations (Meyer 2007). Land transformation as a result of anthropogenic effects continues to be one of the biggest threats to the ecological integrity of headwater streams today. Land transformation induced by human alterations to the landscape, have been shown to have negative impacts on habitat, water quality, and the biota of natural waterways (Allan 2004). For instance, in 2004 Gage found that macro invertebrates were negatively impacted by anthropogenic mediated land use, which often lead to declines and even eliminations of sensitive taxa from the stream (Gage et. al. 2004). Urbanization is considered to be one of the driving forces behind land transformation and is mainly responsible for increases in impervious surface area. Increases in impervious surface area have led to the rapid conveyance of storm waters, resulting in the increased presence of oils, metals, and road salts within surface waters (Moore et. al. 2005). The increased presence of these solutes are leading to variations in ionic concentrations that deviate from natural concentrations, thus altering the conductivity within the water systems. Conductivity is the measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical
Ethics Final Free Essays
Humans decided to start categorizing, and grouping humans based on various things. Research shows that man is of but one kind, and not like an animal of several species (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics Final or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Humans have assumed that because people with different skin color, different cultural beliefs, or different ways of thinking that they must be of a different biological race (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Society has created everything from what foods to eat, what music to listen to, to what they teach their children and true generations about acceptance of each other and passing on racial beliefs. Politicians and people of wealth have been notorious for labeling groups and racial profiling to get the higher up so to speak, or to create justification in the community. Race began simply a categorization of physical biological characteristics such as hair type, shape of the eyes and nose, and skin color (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). White was white, and black was black; then came the categorizing of additional attributes such as afro-textured hair and large noses on African Americans, or olive skin, slanted yes, and shiny Jet black hair in Asians. Biologically speaking there is nothing as simple as black and white. For many, many years people have relocated or traveled all over the world and mingled and procreated with other races which has now mixed traits, and been passed down generation after generation. It seems virtually Impossible to truly Identify a person’s race, because I find It hard to believe there would be any â€Å"purebreds†during this day and age. 2. How has the media contributed to prejudice and discrimination against Asian Americans? How might these problems be remedied? The media has contributed to the prejudice and discrimination against Asian American in several ways that demonstrate insensitivity and biased reporting. According to our textbook, the media has had a negative Impact on the views of Aslant Americans by using Inappropriate clicks, mistaken Identity, personalization, using ethnic slurs, biased and inflammatory reporting, bashing their native Japan, media Invisibility, and even model minority which sets the positive standards of Aslant Americans too high (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Stereotyping them as a â€Å"model minority†creases tenet chances AT acceptance when It comes to social programs, employment, and other social ills (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Asian Americans are often times viewed as well-educated and successful. Little does society notice that these Asian Americans do not normally hold high corporate positions, rather they are running their small own business and employ their family, taking care of one another as best they can. The media and even entertainment honchos never embrace Asian Americans as athletes or potential celebrities with mainstream roles. Asian Americans are never heard and asked for their input when the media is addressing problems in their community, as well when it comes to issues regarding Asia (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). These problems of negative portrayal against Asian Americans held by the media can be remedied by first of all overcoming the idea that they are a â€Å"model minority’ and realize that they work hard, love their families, sought the United States to live the â€Å"American Dream†and try to escape poverty. The media can choose their words wisely refraining from any slur words or phrases such as â€Å"Asian Invasion†or â€Å"Orient Express†. The media should also express the increased population in areas of heavy Asian descent I also believe the media should tell or write stories of influence such as Asian Americans striving in America, working 7 days a week to make ends meet. I think the media should exploit the poverty side of the Asian American community to help decrease the model minority views so they may be eligible for more minority programs. References Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Racial and ethnic groups (10th deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. How to cite Ethics Final, Papers
Disadvantages of Online Shopping free essay sample
Disadvantages of Online Shopping. According to Wikipedia (2004), online shopping is the process consumers go through to pay for products or services over the internet. An online shop, Internet shop, web shop or online store evokes the physical similarity of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. Shopping through the internet might have advantages and disadvantages. So, disadvantages of online shopping are has dull shopping experience, risk of online fraud, requires high cost, and lack of quality examination. Firstly, online shopping has lack of quality examination. According to Jessica (2009), there is lack of touch of merchandise because we are only able to see pictures of the items on the website. Besides, we are not able to try the merchandise on especially clothing. According to Watrous (2010), we cannot really know for sure the item that we are buying is really what we want to buy. Not like a regular store, we cannot see and feel firsthand what we are purchasing. In addition, when we shop from a regular shop, we can see, touch or even try the merchandise on especially clothing and at least visually examine that it looks okay. Not only that, we can talk to a sales person to illuminate doubts regarding an item. Other than that, online shopping requires us to just take the word of the description of the merchandise which is usually smartly crafted by online stores to make it sound appealing to people. Normally, the pictures of the items we see online are much better than once we have the items in front of us. According to Norman (2008), we have to buy the item relying purely on a picture and description, we cannot feel or see exactly the item we want to buy. It can sometimes be quite hard to judge the size or quality of some items purely from a picture. Hence, it is better if we shop from a regular store, at least we are satisfying with ourselves to buy an item after do an examination on it. Therefore, there are enough evidences to prove that online shopping has lack of quality examination. Secondly, online shopping requires high cost. According to Norman (2008), online shopping requires to pay shipping costs. Jessica (2009) states that only a few sites offer free shipping, some others will ship for free only if our total purchase price exceeds a certain amount. Besides, for some products, the shipping cost might be more expensive than the price of the purchased product. For example, to purchase a set of skin care from overseas, the cost of the shipping from overseas to Malaysia is much more expensive than the skin care itself. According to Norman (2008), this could take several weeks if we have purchased a product from overseas, and the costs of shipping may outweigh any savings we made on the purchase price. Other than that, one other issue of online shopping is when we purchasing a wrong item by misinterpretation or misunderstanding, we have to pay the cost of shipping that item back if we want to return it. According to Jessica (2009), even if the seller agrees to take back the defective merchandise, we often have to pay the cost of shipping it back. Additionally, we have to call and convince the people regarding the reason of our return. Most online stores have a restocking fee, especially on electronic items. According to Jessica (2009), items that we buy in a store, can be opened within the store in front of an associate after purchase, and if there is an apparent defect we can return or replace it without paying a restocking fee which is usually between 10 to 20 percent. Although an online shopping site may not charge us a sales tax during the purchase, we are legally indebted to pay taxes when we file annual taxes especially if we live in a taxable state. So, we can conclude that online shopping requires high cost. Thirdly, online shopping has risk of online fraud. Online shopping buyers have more chances to encounter fraud because of disappearance of online shopping site, fraud of the actual price of item, and credit card fraud. According to Chits 3 (2007), the site of online shopping may shut down unexpectedly. Not only that, credit card fraud is commonly happen every time we use our credit card for an online purchase. According to Chits 3 (2007) again, it is because making payments online is not always safe. There may be sites which are not secure or do not encrypt our personal credit card data. So, if a hacker breaks in their system, our personal data can be compromised. Other than that, Chits 3 (2007) states that some online shopping sites pretend selling items at a very cheap price and often us a low quality item which is not like our expectation regarding the item. In other cases, the online shopping site may be disappear unexpectedly which is leaving a lot of online shopping buyers who might have already paid for the item but did not receive anything. In addition, shopping online can also take us to phishing sites which want to defraud us. Phishing is another danger, where consumers are fooled into thinking they are dealing with a reputable retailer, when they have actually been manipulated into feeding private information to a system operated by a malicious party. Therefore, we can conclude that online shopping has risk of online fraud. Finally, online shopping has dull shopping experience. There are differences between shopping in the mall with online shopping. According to Jessica (2009), we cannot feel the experience by socializing with people around us. In addition, online shopping makes us to have narrowed minded. According to Jessica (2009) again, online shopping buyers do not enjoy the ambiance and feel more social when shopping over the internet. Online shopping can be boring for many and make us feel lonely. According to Watrous (2010), not all online shopping sites have succeeded in making their sites easy to use or reliable. It is because majority of regular stores have made it easy to find the style one is looking for, as well as the price range that is acceptable making the experience quick and efficient. The internet has made shopping an almost effortless task. It is because experienced users focus more on the variables that directly influence the task, while beginner users are focusing more on understanding the information. In addition, according to Jinnie (2005), we cannot fully experience our goods through online. Online shoppers are not able to try or touch the item especially clothing that they want to buy rather than shopping in a regular store. Hence, online shopping has dull shopping experience. In conclusion, disadvantages of online shopping are has dull shopping experience, risk of online fraud, requires high cost, and lack of quality examination.
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