Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Us Immigration System Is Broken Politics Essay
The Us Immigration System Is Broken Politics Essay Mass immigration to the United States in search of better jobs has been a subject of discussion for decades. Policy makers have been faced with a complex situation to balance the need to attract foreign talent, while on the other side reduce the risks associated with illegal immigration. The current issue is to streamline the bureaucratic process of gaining visas to deal with thousands of illegal immigrants that are currently residing in the US. This is because; these immigrants play a significant role in building the economy of the state. The Current Status of Immigration Debate The issue of illegal immigration to the US is currently posing equal and contradicting issues. On one side, these immigrants are seen as having a significant positive contribution towards the economy while on the other side; they are considered to be leading to economic drain. It is argued that they grab jobs that are meant to be for Americans or they take up those jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. Hence, illegal immigration ought to be addressed so as to yield maximum benefits from the foreign workers while at the same time reducing the inherent risks. The US census that was reported in May 2012 show that more than half of all births in the US come from ethnic minorities. US Response to Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration to the US has been classified as a humanitarian crisis which calls for immediate actions. Statistics however show that efforts to deal with this issue have strolled since the 20th century to the 21st and still in progress till date. It is evident that a lot more is needed to curb the situation other than stronger border enforcements. In 2006, the US government led by Bush who was the president at that time begun strengthening the security at the border. This was through enhancing both physical and technological infrastructure, increasing man power and other advanced technological ways to seal gaps at the borders. While a significant percentage of these improvements were put in place, there still exist more gaps which call for the current government to take a further step. The current president of the United States has a four part strategy that aims at reshaping the immigration status in the US. This strategy was among the chapters that won him interest of many to reelect him in the 2012 general election. President Obama made his people believe that there are fair and effective ways that can be used to deal with the issue of immigrants while ensuring respect is earned on both sides. He further said that common sense has to be used to ensure that US and the home countries of the immigrants receive respect in the way the immigrants are treated. Below are the four strategies of dealing with immigrants Strengthen Security at the Borders Long before Obama became the president of America, he expressed doubt in the number of police patrols at the borders. Other than increasing the number of the security force, Obama puts more emphasis on the tools used to curb crime associated with immigrants. Improved technology and better infrastructure have been put across to foster national security across the borders. Secondly, president Obama proposed a national operation to track all employers who are recruiting persons with no legal documents. The fact that these immigrants enter the states with the sole hope of gaining better employment, the best way to track them is to audit employment records in all companies. This way, no firm will seek to employ persons who have not being legally authorized to work in the US. This is way all firms will be held accountable of any illegal employee who is working for them. This serves as a respectful strategy towards discouraging illegal entrance into America while on the other side encouraging legal immigration. Enhancing Citizenship It would be unethical to chase away close to eleven million immigrants who are currently residing in the US. Therefore, the best way to deal with them is to encourage them to pursue US citizenship. This is a polite way to entice them to come out of their hide outs without punishing innocent persons. To enhance this process, they are required to take personal initiative to learn English, pass national security and criminal background checks, pay penalties and other relevant requirements. Foster Legal Immigration The process of obtaining citizenship for immigrants in the US is comprised of beuractratic processes that are discouraging. This was a proposal to benefit all illegal immigrants who are willing to pursue immigration procedures. This is a move to ensure that entrepreneurs who hold a significant portion in the economy are not disturbed. Recommendations to Deal With Illegal Immigration The issue of illegal migration is no longer trivial to be handled through a single means rather a complex approach has to be assumed. This is an approach that entails: Enhance border security. President Obama says that currently the borders are secure enough to curb to effectively deal with illegal immigration. It is however important to note that the technology used to sneak immigrants across the border changes from day to the other. As a result, this rate of advancements needs to be met with similar rate of technological advancements. These include automatic sensors or cameras and aerial vehicles that provide real time patrol and detection. In addition, the role of securing borders should be a shared responsibility to both the US and its neighbors. Rejection of proposals of Amnesty: Considering the amnesty of 1986 that let free close to three million illegal immigrants in the US, it is noted that amnesty pulls back the efforts to do away with illegal immigration. The Administration ought to enforce strict measures towards amnesty situations. This is to mean that Amnesty should be exercised on conditions that if released, immigrants will be required to return to the countries of their origin. Programs to address the push-pull effect: Illegal immigration to the US is encouraged by the push-pull effect that exists in Latin America and the United States. The push effect refers to the slow economic growth rates in the neighboring countries a factor that forces its citizens to seek for employment from across borders. On the other side, the pull effect refers to the attraction by the need for labor in the US. This can be dealt with by establishing a temporary work program in the US. This will ensure continuos supply of labor to US companies. In an indirect manner, this is a way to foster free market reforms in the US neighboring nations so as to boost their economic opportunities. Boost law enforcement measures in America: Since the government of Obama took office, there has been a notable neglect on security measures in the US. For instance; the Social Security No-Match has been abandoned. This was a means to notify employers during recruitment the legal status and duties of all relevant candidates. On a similar note, the Obama government has been said to have reduced trial of non criminal immigrants once spotted residing in the US. The fact that these two enforcements have been weakened; it is a clear indication to the outside world that migrating illegally to the US is not a big issue as long as one does not commit criminal acts. Public diplomacy to prevent illegal immigration: there is a need to study the patterns of immigration in the US. Public diplomacy should act out of survey information so as to avoid launching blind strategies. Immense concern should be directed to states that show enormous numbers in immigration and these include; Central America, Caribbean and Mexico. In fact, US ambassadors to these states ought to make known to those intending to migrate illegally to the US that they will face the full force of law. Similarities between Immigration Debates Of Both 20th And 21st Century Since the dawn of the twentieth century, the US government has put efforts towards dealing with illegal immigrants residing in the states. This same debate has continued till the 21st century. Each new government promises to put adequate measures that will ensure the issue of illegal immigration into the US enters the books of history. It can however be noted that the issue continues to disturb the economy of the US while at the same time it is boosting the economy. Illegal immigrants have significantly earned the state considerable amounts of money through offering cheap labor in the various US owned firms. This is a factor that has drawn back the efforts of chasing illegal immigrants to go back to their home countries. While on one side the government is struggling to make situations unfavorable for immigrants, private owned firms on the other side are offering better conditions to these immigrants. Private investors have for a long time now been directed the blame of attracting illegal immigration. This is because they seek cheap unskilled labor from these immigrants. The fact that immigrants belong to nations of low economic status makes it possible for them to accept low wages at the places of work. This is a factor that has curtailed the efforts of seeking illegal immigrants residing in the US. Racism and Illegal Immigration in the US The issue of Illegal immigration has not separated itself from the talk of racial discrimination. It is remembered that an article in the Washington Post dated 20th May 2006, showed that a significant percentage of children under five years constituted the Hispanics. This became an issue of concern because Hispanics are partial blacks and hence it seemed blacks are taking over the population of the US. Also, the parliamentary debate to grant legal citizenship to close to twelve million immigrants in the US was met with fierce resistance. To some extent, this resistance was fueled with the move to bar permitting blacks from gaining legal citizenship in the US. Though it might not sound right to say that immigration debates were filled with racism, it is evident that several moves were controlled by racial factor. For instance; there was a strong move to seal the Mexico-US border and send tighten patrol around this area. It is also noted that at the Canada-US border there were no proposed security improvements. The fact that Mexicans are blacks and Canadians resemble Americans is enough to prove the relationship between tribalism and illegal immigration. Racism has been seen to significantly affect the efforts towards dealing with illegal immigration. Though the above moves may be based on a pure need to deal with illegal immigration, the claim of close relationship between racism and illegal immigration still holds some truth. It is crucial at this point to note the African American discrimination that has for a long time thrived in the US. Though it is argued that equality has been achieved, there still exists those schools that are purely meant for Americans. As at now, the federal law in Arizona requires all legal immigrants to prove their legal residency whenever they travel to the US. It however proves humanely difficult to declare a person an illegal immigrant if they entered the US on human reasons. These reasons include the search for treatment, education or better paying job. These are considered rightful in the human perspective, however illegal according to the federal law. The New York Times published an anonymous letter on 1st May 2010 that indicated evidence of racial discrimination to illegal immigrants. The author of this letter notes that there exists racial profiling in Arizona when it comes to issues of illegal immigration. Conclusion The issue of illegal immigration has being a subject of discussion for quite some time in the United States. Though the state benefits from low wage labor, it cannot ignore the risks associated with illegal migration. Among these risks is the increase in security threats. Political leaders and policy makers have argued out that they can provide effective and fair means to deal with this issue. Though their methods may have worked, there is still a long way to go. The move now is leaning towards implementing the four strategies proposed by President Obama. These are fair moves aimed at reducing the benefits of migrating to the US while increasing the risk of residing in the US illegally. For instance, the use of E-verify to decrease the ease of illegal immigrants from obtaining employment is a fair and polite manner of discouraging illegal immigration. Even today, the immigration system remains broken because there has not been effective moves to address the issue of illegal immigration. Even the current government that had won the interest of almost everyone in the way it had promised to address the issue of illegal immigration seems not to succeed. This is because it is exercising contradictory measures in dealing with the situation. While the government proposes an audit to identify illegal immigrants in the firms, it also exercises neglect on Social Security No-Match. This way the whole journey towards curbing illegal immigration seems broken. There is no single definite move rather complex moves that seem to be contradictory. Also, the current means being employed to curb illegal immigration are inhuman and cost the state millions of money. For instance; the government has been said to have spent millions of money in detaining illegal immigrants and also, the detainees face inhuman conditions while awaiting trial. Woks cited
Friday, January 17, 2020
Conspiracy Theories about Princess Diana’s Death Essay
Introduction Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. She was an eminent celebrity of the late 20th century well known for her fund-raising work for international charities ( [henceforth HoTM]). Sadly, she was famous not only due to her good deeds, but mostly because of her divorce with Prince Charles and later on, controversial relationship with the son of Egyptian billionaire – Dodi Al Fayed. Princess Diana was constantly surrounded by paparazzi who accompanied her in almost every minute of her life and who tried to photograph her. Unfortunately this unhealthy interest of paparazzi in Diana’s private life ended tragically. Princess Diana and her partner Dodi Al Fayed died in a car accident on Sunday 31th August 1997 in Paris, France (HoTM). At around 12:20 am that day, Diana and Fayed left the Ritz hotel to return to the apartment in Rue Arsà ¨ne Houssaye, they got into the car driven by Henri Paul, the Acting Head of Security at the Ritz Hotel also Trevor Rees-Jones, a member of the Fayed family’s personal protection team, was in the front passenger seat (HoTM). Their car was followed by paparazzi. The driver, who wanted to run away from them, suddenly lost control over the car and collided head-on with the 13th pillar supporting the roof of a tunnel at an estimated speed of 105 km/h (King 2001: 10). Although the French investigation concluded that the accident was caused by a drunken driver, there are still conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana’s death. They assume that firstly, the accident was staged to get rid of the paparazzi, secondly The British Secret Service planned the accident and finally it was the Royal Family who assassinated Princess of Wales. Diana Spencer was one of the most famous woman in the world, the pre-eminent female celebrity of her generation: a fashion icon, an image of feminine beauty, admired for her involvement in AIDS issues and the international campaign against landmines ( During her lifetime, she was often referred to as the most photographed person in the world. ( Considering her life and her popularity it should come as no surprise that people from all over the world were interested in the mystery of her death. Loss of such an iconic person always forces people, especially the most faithful fans to think about it more deeply. That is why all the speculations and conspiracy theories about the ‘real’ cause of Princess Diana’s death are born. Conspiracy theories – definition As Christopher Hodapp (2008: 9) explains, â€Å"[a] conspiracy theory is the idea that someone, or a group of someones, acts secretly, with a goal of achieving power, wealth, influence or other benefit†. Christopher Hitchens represents conspiracy theories as the â€Å"exhaust fumes of democracy, the unavoidable result of a large amount of information circulating among a large number of people†(Hodapp 2008: 25). Although conspiracy theories are viewed with skepticism by scholars because they are rarely supported by any conclusive evidence, they create a lot of controversy and due to that fact many people believe them. Together with wars, secret assassinations and terrorist attacks taking place in nowadays world, people’s trust in their governments and politicians constantly decreases (Burnett 2005:9). Many people believe that they work in very secretive ways and various facts about well-known historical and current events are hidden (Burnett 2005: 9). In order to reveal the truth, amateur investigators started to create their own deductions about various events on The Internet (Burnett 2005: 9). They have also formed different conclusions about Princess Diana’s death, which later on have grown up and gained the status of conspiracy theories. As we talk about conspiracy theories, we have to answer two questions: What are the attributes of conspiracy theory? How theories about Diana’s death meet the criteria of conspiracy theory? According to Keely (1999: 117), â€Å"Central to any CT is an official story that the conspiracy theory must undermine and cast doubt upon.†This can be related to the official cause of Princess Diana’s death given by the police. Secondly as Keely (1999: 117) claims, â€Å"[t]he true intentions behind the conspiracy are invariably nefarious†, in Diana’s case, those true intentions can be understood as a willingness to kill her. Finally, the last criterion states that the main tool of the conspiracy theorist is data which if true would tend to contradict official version (Keely 1999: 118). These data, concerning Diana’s death theories, could be all the information which put the blame on the Royal Family. Having ensured that theories about Diana’s death meet the criteria of conspiracy theories, we can examine some of them. Staged accident theory From among dozens of conspiracy theories about Princess Diana’s death circulating on the Internet, the one stating that Diana Spencer did not die, but she arranged her death in order to get rid of paparazzi, because she was tired of constant intrusions into her private life, is the least probable. Conspirators claim that she wanted to disappear from the public life so she staged the accident and that now she leads a normal life, somewhere in a hidden place with a different identity ( Although this may seem ridiculous for most people, conspirators claim that they have evidence. They support their theory saying that the bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, who was also taking part in this car accident still lives, but Mercedes auto experts after deep examination of a smashed car revealed that it would have been almost impossible for anyone to have survived such a dramatic accident ( ana.html). Another piece of evidence that conspirators believe supports their theory is that just six hours before the accident Princess Diana talked to Daily Mail reporter Richard Kay and told him that she was about to withdraw completely from public life ( Although those presented pieces of evidence are believed to be facts by the conspirators, they can be easily discredited. One simple, although significant piece of evidence that confirms the death of Princess Diana is the fact that Dr Robert Chapman carried out Diana’s post-mortem examination the day after her death. This proves that at that time she could not have been alive ( The truth is that the conspiracy theory mentioned above is present only on the Internet, one cannot read about it in a book, that is the reason why it appears to be the least probable scenario. However, there are some theories which make people think about them as they seem to be more probable. M16 theory The second conspiracy theory about Princess Diana’s death stirs up the greatest controversy as it states that The British Secret Service -the M16- planned the accident. They believed that Diana was a threat to the British throne and therefore the stability of the state. Another motive was to protect the new world order from the princess with inconvenient ideas, such as banning land mines as conspirators claim (Burnett 2005: 273). John King in his book Princess Diana: the hidden evidence (2001: 45) states that M16 mission was to â€Å"[e]liminate one of the most prominent figures on the world stage†. King (2001: 10) points out that Diana was seated directly behind the passenger side-front seat, which according to Professor Murray of Birmingham University, whom the author interviewed, should have been the safest seat in the car, â€Å"the most survivable.†According to King (2001: 11) seconds after the accident M16 agents showed up at the place of the accident and after making sure that Princess Diana’s condition is fatal, injected the driver – Henri Paul with cocktail of alcohol and drugs and then they disappeared as quickly as they showed up. There can be a lot of different reasons why such important British agency planned to kill Princess Diana. Noel Botham (2004: 94) comments that â€Å"some rogue autonomical cells in British Secret Service claimed that Princess Diana is a threat to the state and they are also suspected of eavesdropping her throughout her years in the Royal limelight.†Another important fact is that the only survivor – bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones – was a former member of the crack Parachute Regiment, one of the toughest in the British Army. Therefore he could also have been an M16 contact (King 2001: 124). It appears that this conspiracy theory is more probable than the previous one, considering the fact that gathered evidence, even though not confirmed, bases on some logical and factual information. The following theory is closely connected with the aforementioned in a sense that some conspiracy theorists claim that the Royal Family planned the accident and used M16 as a tool. The Royal Family theory As we examining various theories about Princess Diana’s death, it is impossible not to mention the Royal Family with whom she related for fifteen years through her marriage to Charles, Prince of Wales. In this theory conspirators claim that it was the Royal Family who planned Princess Diana’s death. The conspiracy theorists support their hypothesis with the explanation that the House of Windsor was furious about the fact that Princess Diana might marry Dodi Al Fayed, a Muslim, who would became a stepfather to Princess William and Harry, the heirs to the British throne (King 2001: 190). Andrew Golden, the author of the Sunday Mirror’s article entitled Queen To Strip Harrods Of Its Royal Crest wrote that â€Å"[t]he Royal Family may withdraw their seal of approval from Harrods(†¦) as a result of Diana’s affair with owner’s son Dodi Fayed†(King 2001: 189). According to King (2001: 190) after some time a prestigious royal warrant actually was withdrawn from Harrods. Thus, it appears that the Royal Family tried to express their disapproval of Diana’s relationship with Dodi Al Fayed whose father was the owner of Harrods. Later, as King (2001: 191) points out, it was revealed that Prince Phillip in particular was extremely unhappy about the relationship despite the fact that Diana was no longer Prince Charles’ wife. One of the most prominent supporter of the theory that Diana and Dodi were murdered by the Royal Family was Dodi’s father- Mohamed Al Fayed. He claimed that the English Crown wanted to hide the fact that the couple was about to be engaged and that Diana was pregnant with her Egyptian boyfriend’s child – a scandal that the British Royal Family would not be able to put up with (Hodapp 2008: 323). However, later it was revealed that according to tests ran on samples of her blood collected at the scene, information about the pregnancy was untrue (Hoddap 2008: 324). Bearing in mind the two aforementioned conspiracy theories this one appears to be the most reliable as it provides quite strong motive, namely the fact that the Royal Family treated Diana’s relationship with Dodi as a threat to the throne. Conclusion Controversy over Princess Diana’s death has bothered people from around the world for almost twenty six years. As a result, dozens of different conspiracy theories about this tragic event were created. Some of them, for example the one stating that Princess Diana staged her own death are almost improbable while others, like the theory assuming that the Royal Family planned Diana’s accident may seem more reliable. The three theories examined in this paper are still being refreshed and reinvestigated by different authors who try to find new evidence and confirm the theory that the death
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on William Shakespeares Hamlet - 2393 Words
William Shakespeares Hamlet There are enough conceptions, and thus misconceptions, about the melancholy Dane to fill volumes. However, while none of them has proved entirely acceptable, some of them, such as the diagnoses that Hamlet simply â€Å"procrastinates†or â€Å"cannot make up his mind†prove utterly unsatisfactory under careful scrutiny of the play and, perhaps more importantly, Hamlet himself. Indeed, it appears as if there are certain points in the play in which Hamlet comes to reversals as he eventually counters each one of his own arguments and concludes each of his struggles, until, in his return from England, he is someone quite different from the self-loathing, melancholy, emotionally torn man in the â€Å"inky cloak†(I.ii.77) to†¦show more content†¦And yet, he is woken, albeit for only a short time, from his depression by the arrival of his friend Horatio from Wittenberg and the news he brings of Hamlet’s ghost. Prince Hamlet, demanding, â€Å"For Godâ⠂¬â„¢s love, let me hear!†(I.ii.196) accosts Horatio on every minute detail regarding his father’s spirit from where they saw the apparition to their response, even to whether or not â€Å"his beard was grizzled†(I.ii.245). But, only a few scenes later, our hero returns to a dejected disposition, moving rather quickly from his heroic belief that â€Å"The time is out of joint. O cursà ¨d spit/That ever I was born to set it right!†(I.v.197-198) to â€Å"You cannot, sir, take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal – except my life, except my life, except my life.†(II.ii.215-217). Given the drastic difference between this line and the â€Å"antic disposition†he had been showing to Polonius only a few lines earlier, it appears as if this is one of the few glimpses one can get into Hamlet’s soul while he is in discourse with another character. And yet, of all of young Hamlet’s desires, suicide is the mos t easily noticed: he has no qualms about mentioning it to any other characters, even to Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, when he calls the world â€Å"sterile promontory†(II.ii.300) and man nothing but a â€Å"quintessence of dust†(II.ii.309). Indeed, even in his soliloquy at the end of Act II, where he rages about his supposed inaction and comes upon the trap, â€Å"TheShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet981 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is a historic writer that is well known and wrote many plays in his lifetime. In most of his plays, if not all, he has incorporated hidden meanings and messages. The majority of his hidden meanings are controversial topics of his time period. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the controversial topic that is throughout the play is religion and the afterlife. Afterlife plays a big role in Hamlet and is discussed throughout the play. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A Code Of Ethics And Ethics - 786 Words
Introduction John Stuart Mill once said â€Å"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury†(1993). With this being said, it is important to for UWEAR and PALENIM to form a code of conduct in order to define what is right or wrong within the company. A code of conduct, otherwise known as a code of ethics, will guide their employees to follow ethical standards that will be put into place by UWEAR and PALENIM. UWEAR and PALENIM have certain situations in the past that could be seen as unethical; forming an ethics committee would not only develop a code of conduct, but enforce it and develop an easy way for employees to report unethical behavior as well. Situations Caused Policy There are a few situations from UWEAR and PALDENIM that should cause concern for the company. One situation is Joe Smith, a sales representative from UWEAR, accepting expensive gifts from Bill Bateman, a client with UWEAR. In the code of conduct there needs to be a policy on accepting gifts from clients. In fact, when companies reject gifts it helps avoid problems such as vendor fraud and embezzlement, and it will help keep relationships with suppliers and clients on a professional level (Slade, 1996). A policy that would help avoid this situation is to not accept any gifts from clients. Another situation is when Joe received an invitation to go on a yacht trip from Bill. During this time, UWEARShow MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics : Code Ethics1334 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: CODE OF ETHICS 1 CODE OF ETHICS 5 Code of Ethics Hieu Le Columbia Southern University Code of ethics is the most essential aspect of the society that organizations and individuals need to fulfill and apply this aspect in their workplaces and families in order to achieveRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics912 Words  | 4 Pagesessential for the organization to have a strong code of ethics to ensure all employees understand the ethical expectations of the organization. The code acts as a guide for employees to ensure they apply ethical decision making in the workplace. As the manager you will play an essential role in disseminating this information to employees as well as ensuring they are in compliance with the code. 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Because of that, we are committed to make sure that everyone in our company is compliance with this Code and other law. †¢ Binding scope. This Code of Ethics is written
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