Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychosocial Stage Essay Example for Free
Psychosocial Stage Essay Mental advancement is commonly acknowledged as result of the association among social and mental powers which straightforwardly influence and shape the character of each person (Erikson, 2000). This may likewise envelop changes in discretion, and prosocial conduct. Corresponding to this, Erik Erikson set up a bringing together hypothesis on the social and mental parts of human improvement all through life expectancy. In his eight formative stages, every individual should, from early stages to senescence, achieve mental errands in accordance with their social encounters. Likewise, his hypothesis, regularly called as â€Å"the phases of man,†is essentially grounded on the thought that each individual creates mental self portraits through others recognitions and their own discernments (Erikson, 2000). Erikson depicted the improvement of character and the procedure by which an individual procures cultural job and shapes their personality. In as opposed to Freuds psychosexual accentuation, Erickson complemented the advancement of ones mentalities, aptitudes, and the awareness of other's expectations. Further, Erikson contended that people experience the diverse formative stages, each with emergency or problem, and expected to determine explicit clash in each stage. Uncertain clashes in the past stage will pass on the succeeding stages which grant adverse characteristics in ones character (Erikson, 2000). Then again, as an individual effectively went up against each formative emergency, the person accomplishes constructive qualities or mental characteristics. Generativity versus Stagnation Erikson saw â€Å"development†as a persistent procedure of confronting the complexities of life (Santrock, 2002). A youthful expert, for instance, to guarantee achievement and personal relations, the individual must see and achieve the undertaking of making and caring their life job or style. Ericksons seventh phase of psychosocial advancement, generativity versus stagnation, harmonizes with the center adulthood time of people. As characterized by Erikson, generativity is the craving to play a functioning job in building up the general public and sustaining the adolescent to guarantee the congruity of human age (Lerner, 2002). In this stage, people ought to create worry for the cutting edge so as to forestall individual stagnation (Santrock, 2002). While a few people achieve this through dynamic network inclusion and investment, some contribute for the government assistance of the general public through dependable parenthood. In any methods, the dynamic that must be achieved is the outward moving from the prosperity of one’s self to the thought and care for the mankind. In that capacity, the quality of care is accomplished through making, child rearing, chipping in, and coaching. For example, by methods for certifiable consideration and concern, the generative strict educators teach conventional strict view on improvement. Generative grown-ups, then again, may assume liability on the pattern of life by driving and directing their kids in the initial five phases of psychosocial advancement (Santrock, 2002). In the mean time, a key component of â€Å"generativity versus stagnation†is the coherence of stages and combined ramifications of different encounters throughout everyday life (Santrock, 2002). The grown-ups feeling of generativity is invigorated by empowering and supporting the eventual fate of the people to come. Notwithstanding, people who neglect to give the progression to the cutting edge may perhaps become engorge with their own needs, dismiss the requirements of others, and in the long run become deteriorated. Impacts on my Personality The psychosocial improvement builds of Erickson includes each understanding of a person that procedures and shapes their character, generativity, and recognitions. These procedures are considered widespread; that is, despite the fact that people experience family, social, and social life in an unexpected way, the varieties are minor. The minor varieties represent other individual factors, for example, financial status, age, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, instruction, and culture (Lerner, 2002). Consequently, the psychosocial forms in the center adulthood show minor departure from subjects yet of comparative dynamic of progress. Erikson sketched out these adjustments in each formative stage through explicit clashes or assignments that one needs to take care of or resolve. As such in center adulthood, generativity versus stagnation is the contention that should be settled. In any case, as the goals of contentions in the early adulthood impacts this stage, the result in this stage will legitimately influence the late adulthood time frame (Lerner, 2002). Too, as people are relied upon to give motivation, care, and direction for the adolescent, they are likewise tested to procure gainful jobs for the cultural turn of events and congruity. Generativity at that point ought not exclusively be limited in child rearing however should loosen up to network contributions through undertakings, administration, and duty. It must be considered as for the way an individual handle their relations with their family, cultural establishments, companions, family members, and with others. While each social conduct is controlled by heap of elements, the dedication and worry for the government assistance of the cutting edge must be the essential inspiration in every one of those previously mentioned social duties and exercises (Lerner, 2002). As I took in the center adulthood psychosocial phase of Erikson, around 35-40 years of ages, I analyzed the current situation with my character as far as generativity and stagnation. That is, I evaluated my self on the off chance that I am profitable in my field of try and equipped towards rousing and managing my kids and different adolescents and youthful grown-ups. I became worry with the accomplishment of generativity for Erikson contended that it is critical for an uplifting standpoint during midlife. All things considered, I detailed my formative objectives of setting up my self for my senescence period and thinking about and controlling the youths for adulthood. In any case, beneficial encounters in this phase of life are not indistinguishable among people; some are as yet single grown-up while others are cheerfully hitched or separated during this period. For the most part, the center adulthood has formative irregularity and coherence. Specifically, mental properties like intellectual working may quickly change while the others, for example, insight and character may accomplish soundness during midlife (Lachman, 2001). I understood then that in characterizing life’s achievement, encounters in midlife have huge jobs. During center adulthood, each individual makes up for and adapts to life’s misfortunes which will in general be obvious as senescence life draws near. As uncovered by mental investigates, life fulfillment is at its top in midlife; this is the time of life where abstract satisfaction and prosperity are appraised best when contrasted with different phases of life (Lachman, 2001). Along these lines, midlife is known as the prime of one’s life, where most center grown-ups are at the highest point of their family and expert professions, and pay age. Also, center grown-ups experience an exceptionally good mental prosperity; they have inspirational viewpoint throughout everyday life, self-governance, and focus on both individual and expert development (Lachman, 2001). They saw midlife as the period where one should work best. In this way, my awareness on my work execution, numerous pretending, and child rearing styles were stirred. All things considered, at the other outrageous of center adulthood are the emotional meltdowns. In view of mental reports, center adulthood is battered by stresses in life, for example, the sentiments of people of life misfortunes and disappointments, non-accomplishment and underachievement, and minor and unimportant objectives (Lachman, 2001). However, in the midst of these emergencies and when contrasted with different phases of life, center adulthood is the time of less sorrow and higher prosperity. In this period, most people achieved their expert and individual objectives. The individuals who are defenseless to ecological elements, constrained assets, and destitution, are in danger to mental and physical misery (Lachman, 2001). It was then explained in my psyche that during midlife, people may either appreciate the realization of their particular works or endure the combined shortages of their life because of uncertain clashes in past stages. Thusly, center adulthood, as generativity versus stagnation suggests, isn't just a time of satisfaction and achievement yet in addition a change period for the over a significant time span occasions of life fundamentally impact the later life’s progress. Midlife is the phase of life when people, all the more oftentimes, have just chosen for a way of life and other social setting like occupation, schedule, neighborhood, and encouraging group of people. In this manner, I proposed that character forms the life of an individual, instead of life encounters shapes the character of a person. Specifically, just explicit part of character is modified by sensational life occasions during center adulthood. For instance, profession or marriage disappointment, torment because of mental or physical issue, and passing of a friend or family member may modify the social quality of a person which thusly just purposes minor moves in character yet don't reflect in the all encompassing character structure. Also, the idea of emotional meltdown, saw as inescapable in center adulthood, was seen as bogus (Lerner, 2002). Despite the fact that midlife is a phase of reflection, expanded tension, midcourse revision, and flighty change, investigates uncovered that during center adulthood, people despite everything attempt the moving of life point of view from birth until to their last a long time to live (Lerner, 2002). The idea of an individual’s reaction to midlife challenges is to a great extent influenced by character characteristics a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Taxation Ordinary Basic Salary
Question: Examine about the Taxation for Ordinary Basic Salary. Answer: 1: Advice whether any of the Remuneration Packages in Items a to d are Fringe Benefits Incidental advantages are those advantages given by a business to a worker, which are strange essential compensation (Woellner, Barkoczy, Murphy, Evans, and Pinto, n.d., pp.10-20). As per Publication 15-B of the annual assessment act, an incidental advantage is a type of pay for the exhibition of administrations. For instance, the organization may permit the representative to utilize the business vehicle to or from work. Some are charge absolved while others are available. The following are the incidental advantage results of Lani: Lani got $ 1,000 for correspondence costs. She utilized this add up to pay for cell phone broadcast appointment and internet providers. Since this sum is strange business activities and essential compensation, it is viewed as an incidental advantage according to the incidental advantages charge appraisal act 1986 Part III Sec 20 (Woellner, 2013, pp.55). It is additionally viewed as an incidental advantage since it is given by GHTY organization to Lani. This incidental advantage isn't available. GHTY association likewise paid Lani $ 3,000, which went to the Happy Kidz Childcare Provider. The childcare supplier is situated in a similar structure and Lani brings her little girl there consistently when she reports to work. The $ 3,000 is intended for the childcare benefits that are accommodated Aisha, Lanis little girl. Since this advantage is strange business activities, it is then viewed as an incidental advantage and it is hence charge absolved (Ricardo, 2001, pp.200-211). Childcare costs are non-deductible under s 8-1 as they are brought about by setting the citizen in a place to increase assessable salary as found in the Lodge V FCT case. the GHYT association likewise purchased a couple of steel-topped boots worth $ 250, a lead lined cover worth $ 150, and a couple of solution wellbeing goggles worth $ 350 that had been bought from Safety and Uniforms R Us. In the data over, every one of these things are incidental advantages according to the incidental advantages charge appraisal act 1986 Part III Sec 20. The steel-topped boots and the lead lined cover are charge excluded. The remedy wellbeing goggles then again are available since they had been purchased from an alternate organization that is Safety and Uniforms R Us (SalanieãÅ"â , 2011, pp.119). This infers they had been deducted from the gross compensation of Lani and they ought to along these lines be included back since they are disallowable things. Lani obtained $ 19,000 at a 3.5% loan cost from GHTY organization. Lani utilized this add up to buy a vehicle, which she was wanting to drive herself to and from work and on ends of the week for private purposes. As per the incidental advantages charge evaluation act 1986 Part III Sec 7, a vehicle gave by the business is an incidental advantage and it is along these lines available under the annual duty act. For the most part, costs caused in going from home to the typical work environment are not deductible under s8-1 as observed in Lunney v FCT, Hayley v FCT and Ruling IT 112. 2: Calculation of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Liability The incidental advantage charge is the measure of assessment that Lani will be obligated to pay every year for the incidental advantages figured it out. It is determined by taking the all out total of all incidental advantages acknowledged increased by the incidental advantage charge rate (Khoury, 2000, pp.115). For this situation, for the period finishing 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 the incidental advantages charge rate is 49% per annum. Lanis incidental advantages incorporate the sum paid for correspondence costs, the sum paid for Aishas childcare administrations, sum paid for the steel-topped boots, sum paid for the lead lined cover, the sum paid for the solution security goggles, and vehicle recompense (Kaplow, 2006). The following is the computation of the incidental advantages to be paid by Lani. 3: Calculation of Lanis Total Tax Payable Stage a: Calculation of Total Taxable Income Subtleties Sum ($) Essential pay 65,000 Include: Allowable Vehicle Allowance 19,000 Correspondence stipend 1,000 Kid care administrations 3,000 Steel topped boots 250 Lead lined cover 150 Solution security goggles 350 Less: Fringe Benefit Tax (11,637.50) All out Taxable pay 77,112.5 Step b: Calculation of Total Tax Payable Subtleties Sum ($) All out available pay 77,112.5 For the first $ 80,000 17,547 Absolute expense payable 17,547 Part B 1: Whether Michel has been Carrying on Business as a Winemaker and the Income Tax Consequences In light of the data above, it is obvious that Michel was carrying on a business as a winemaker. This is on the grounds that he was planting grapes and delivering wine from the grapes. He likewise utilized Helens most established child, Giorgi, and his oldest niece, Chari, to work in the wine business. Since Michel was making deals, he is in this manner inclined to annual assessment outcomes. The Australian Revenue Authority (ARA) would in this manner charge Michel a 30 percent charge rate on the total compensation he makes (Jacob, n.d.). The overall gain is determined by taking the gross deals of the winery business less the costs brought about by the wine making business in that monetary period. Here, the wages of Michel will incorporate the deals of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. The costs of Michel then again would incorporate the expense of the new gear, the essential compensation paid to Giorgi, and the hourly rate paid to Chari. Michel is along these lines at risk to annual expense. The following are his annual duty outcomes: Deals of 2011 less any compensations paid-In 2011, he understood deals worth $ 23,000. Here, he didn't pay any compensations; hence, he is at risk to pay a 30% corporate duty on the $ 23,000. His assessment during the current year would be. Deals of 2012-In this year, he understood a salary of $ 56,000. He will along these lines be at risk to pay a 30% duty on the $ 56,000. His duty during the current year would be Deals for 2013-He understood a pay of $ 122,750 of every 2013. He will in this manner be obligated to pay a 30% duty on the $ 122,750. His assessment will in this manner be Salary of 2014-Here, he understood deals worth $ 234,200. On this equivalent year, he utilized Giorgi paying him a compensation of $ 52,000 who selected to change the hardware and brought about an expense of $ 325,000. He additionally utilized his niece for $ 15/hr. It is apparent cap Michel brought about an overal deficit and consequently he isn't subject to settle charge. Under s 8-1(2) (b), misfortunes of a private sort won't be deductible under s 8-1. Offer of the property-On 2015, he sold the property for $ 4.2 million. Since he understood a capital increase, he is subsequently at risk to pay annual duty on the returns. 2: Whether the $ 4.2 Million from the Australian Wine Maker is Ordinary Income for Michel An enormous Australian wine producer drew nearer Michel and proposed to buy his winery business for $ 4.2 million. This would not be normal salary for Michel since it has not been created from the standard creation and offer of wine. This sort of salary is known as a capital increase (Jacob, 2013, pp.30-56). The spouse of Michel encouraged him to acknowledge the offer and sell the wine business for $ 4.2 million to the huge Australian wine creator with the goal that they can have the option to purchase a house in France for their retirement. This would be a poorly conceived notion for Michel since the wine making business could be worth more than that in future. In this situation, I would exhortation Michel not to sell the wine making business as he could tear more than that from it for retirement (Conway, and Smith, 2007, pp.230). Another motivation behind why Michel ought not sell the wine making business is that the business might tear increasingly yearly returns that could support him, his significant other and his family carry on with a superior and agreeable life considerably after retirement (Jacob, 2013, pp.30-56). Be that as it may, on the off chance that he chooses to sell the winemaking business he would get a singular amount of $ 4.2 million, which would exhaust as time passes by. 3: Capital Gains for Michel of He Accepts the $ 4.2 Million Capital increases happens when one sells property or a capital resource for a sum that is more than that you had bought. As per the eighth timetable of the personal assessment act 58 of 1962, a capital increase emerges when you arrange off an advantage or speculation for continues that surpass its base expense on or after 1 October 2001. Michel bought the provincial property for $ 3,000,000 and an Australian wine producer approaches him and offers to get it from him for $ 4.2 million (Berube, and Pinto, 2010, pp.45-50). For this situation, the winery business will understand a drawn out capital addition since Michel held the organization for over three years, which is three years. Computation of long haul capital additions is an intricate system since it fuses swelling (Jacob, 2013, pp.30-56). In this situation, Michel sold the business in 2015 when the expansion rate or record was - 0.1. The following is the listed expense of procurement: The capital addition of Michel can in this way be determined as demonstrated as follows: The assessment on the drawn out capital addition would hence be determined as demonstrated as follows: In this count, it is apparent that the higher the drawn out capital gains, the higher the expense Michel would pay on the drawn out capital increases. References Woellner, R., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. furthermore, Pinto, D. (n.d.). Australian tax assessment law select. Pp. 10-20. Recovered on 10 September 2016. Woellner, R. (2013). Australian tax collection law 2012. North Ryde [N.S.W.]: CCH Australia. Pp. 55. Recovered on 10 September 2016. Ricardo, D. (2001). On the standards of political economy and tax collection. London: Electric Book Co. Pp.200-211. Recovered on 10 September 2016. SalanieãÅ"â , B. (2011). The financial aspects of tax assessment. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Pp.119. Recovered on 10 September 2016. Khoury, D. (2000). Expense. Chatswood: Butterworths. Pp.115. Recovered on 10 September 2016. Kaplow, L. (2006). Tax assessment. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic R
ICT in Manufacturing Essay Example for Free
ICT in Manufacturing Essay Even with ever-expanding rivalry from universal market, many work concentrated assembling organizations face a distinct decision: robotization, or dissipate. Here are a portion of the numerous manners by which PCs are utilized in the assembling scene. Request section and preparing frameworks acknowledge and process client orders. A completely incorporated framework will likewise ascertain the amount and cost of materials expected to make the things requested, produce investigates any deficiencies of materials in stock that should be requested and raise the buy request. It will at that point track the advancement of the request through the assembling procedure with the goal that client inquiries can be replied. Task the executives programming gives the board the data important to keep extends inside financial plan and on schedule. Reports can be created demonstrating real expenses versus anticipated expenses, and the quantity of days ahead or bogged down. Master frameworks can be utilized in a huge number of ways from ascertaining the expense of another multi-story office square to distinguishing when a bunch of lager is prepared for the following phase of the fermenting procedure. Bass the brewers has fabricated a machine that can play out the overwhelming errand of smelling lager and choosing if its acceptable. The innovation that makes this conceivable is neural registering, the progressive procedure that copies the manner in which the human cerebrum works. The counterfeit nose makes an intricate arrangement of decisions dependent on the electrochemical upgrades got by its gas sensors, and could spare the brewers a fortune. By recognizing an over-dynamic yeast or a frail harvest of bounces at a beginning period in the maturation procedure, the nose could spare us discarding an entire bunch 345,600 pints of lager, clarified Ian Morris of Bass. It isn't simply brewers who are keen on the fake nose. Makers of moment espresso, scent and other fragrant items are spending enormous entireties, in co-activity with scientists at a few colleges, to fabricate a superior than-human olfactory sensor. Source: Garth Alexander, The Sunday Times 19 September 1993. Computer aided design frameworks permit planners and specialists to make structures on screen for a large number of items extending from the most diminutive PC chip to extensions, structures and planes. The product permits clients to make 3-dimensional strong models with physical characters like volume, weight and focal point of gravity. The models can be pivoted and seen from any edge, altered and arranged. The PC can perform figurings to assess its presentation under various anxieties, or crash-test another structure of a vehicle before it is even fabricated. Activity programming can be utilized to empower a watcher to Walk through a 3-D model of state, a structure that exists just in the PCs memory. Precimax was established in 1988 and has developed to a 30-worker organization with a foreseen turnover in 1997 of I 1. 4 million. It offers a full assembling administration from starting plan through to gracefully of completely completed segments and gathers. Creation is dominatingly on CNC (PC numeric control) turning and machining focuses, and projects can be made from clients drawings or straightforwardly from CAD by means of modem or circle. Groups go from one-off up to 5,000, however are all the more normally in the 50 to 500 sections. In size, turned parts match 250mm distance across. Precimax is a significant provider of segments for train slowing down and entryway frameworks and is as of now delivering parts for use in the stage edge entryways for London Undergrounds Jubilee Line expansion. It additionally has an agreement with a postal gear producer for month to month conveyances of rollers and different parts for letter-arranging machines. Precimax utilizes Datatrack for Windows for monitoring its yearly 3,000 requests. The framework incorporates evaluating and citing deals request preparing, buying, work costing and conveyance. The business executive remarked, A framework to deal with this degree of business is fundamental. Without it, we would be lost. It empowers us to control cost and better comprehend our clients and assembling. It gives us precise data, so we can speak with our clients on cost and conveyances rapidly and with certainty.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Big Issue – Interview
How has Big Issue advanced throughout the years and has It had the option to remain consistent with its Orlando/basic beliefs? Establishment Idea 0 less meticulousness; social business people circumvent the world Message has gone out self improvement/working with individuals In the edge Core esteems have been predictable during the time 2.How did you come to be engaged with Big Issue? Is it accurate to say that you were selected or did you search it out? Inquisitive to comprehend the hierarchical fit. Selected Brought extensive involvement with the business territory 0 equipped for extending organizations Stephen carried technique and center to a business chancy suggestion Walk the discussion/convey guiding principle and standards 3. Does a cause like yours effectively consider an AS examination, similar to some other corporation?Running a foundation is equivalent to maintaining a business Charities need an operational system so as to advance and convey destinations However, they are not generally In charge of all components of the as It Is an enthusiastic association absolutely dependent on the achievement of the individuals 4. What amount of the present structure is an immediate aftereffect of the AS activities that your supervisory group has taken? It Is However, a few components are not an immediate consequence of the AS In request to get cash from believes, the earth directs that you have to prove what you have done There are necessities of the world that frequently abrogate an Internal AS system 5.Are you content with the present structure and how might you want to consider Big To be's AS advance? Need a few people on the ground as they are as of now understaffed 6. Procedure: What is Big Issue attempting to accomplish? Award brand (instruction) Brokerage system Make an important effect on the lives of individuals who are socially and monetarily rejected Solution C] for what is happening in the public eye 7. Aptitudes/Style/Staffing: What are your determi nation measures for vendors?Skills: Big Issue: IT, HER, framework, columnists, compose, promote C] undertaking Vendors: centered Style: Belief in the strategic bringing together Shared faith in what we are here to do Tough parent/caring/listening 0 stick with norms Realism and great client assistance Staffing: Big Issue: 75 individuals Ruinations/IT/HER); good cause (25) Vendor populace of 2,000 (need 30 individuals @ not exactly ?request that a year help oversee he sellers) Struggle to get bolster 0 effective model 0 need more individuals on the ground 8.Systems/Structure: How you do you bolster Big Issue merchants? They have an identification procedure, which is time constrained and expects merchants to check in consistently At each check point, another identification is given to the seller This encourages execution overseeing 9. Mutual Values: How might you depict the seller network Vendor people group: implicit rules; see estimation of the decision they make to change 0 this can bind together However, there is no characterized plan; not religious; arranged to place something in
Friday, July 31, 2020
Remember, Remember, the 17th of December
Remember, Remember, the 17th of December… There has been some discussion on CollegeConfidential and in the comments on my post announcing the 12/17 12:17 EA decision release. Specifically discussion about the reasons we picked that date and time. My favorite observation comes from optimistic-mom: 1217 and 2011 are prime numbers and MIT selects prime candidates is that a reason for the date and time! While Pharyngula on CollegeConfidential mused that perhaps it is an appeal to something which happened on a historically significant December 17th. I am going to continue to keep our reasons a deep, dark secret, but following Pharyngula and using their title here are some other momentous events from history which occured on 12/17s past according to Wikipedia: 546 â€" Gothic War: The Ostrogoths of King Totila conquer Rome by bribing the Byzantine garrison. 1538 â€" Pope Paul III excommunicates Henry VIII of England. 1777 â€" France formally recognizes the United States of America. 1790 â€" Discovery of the Aztec calendar stone. 1865 â€" First performance of the Unfinished Symphony by Franz Schubert. 1903 â€" The Wright Brothers make their first powered and heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 1935 â€" First flight of the Douglas DC-3 airplane. 1947 â€" First flight of the Boeing B-47 Stratojet strategic bomber. 1969 â€" Project Blue Book: The United States Air Force closes its study of UFOs, stating that sightings are generated as a result of A mild form of mass hysteria, Individuals who fabricate such reports to perpetrate a hoax or seek publicity, psychopathological persons, and misidentification of various conventional objects. 1989 â€" The first episode of television series The Simpsons, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, airs in the United States. 2003 â€" SpaceShipOne flight 11P, piloted by Brian Binnie, makes its first supersonic flight. 2010 â€" Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire. This act became the catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution. The success of the Tunisian protests sparked protests in several other Arab countries. Some of these events Id really prefer our applicants not to emulate (please: dont set yourself on fire or conquer any bastions of civilization ushering in centuries of dark ages tomorrow, anyone). Others would not be bad examples to follow (if you want to discover an ancient Aztec stone or fly a plane you invented, go ahead). Do any of these things have anything to do with why were going live on 12/17 at 12:17? No. What they have to with is this: history is awesome.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Evaluation Methods of Public Health Education Materials - 3025 Words
Evaluation Methods of Public Health Education Materials (Coursework Sample) Content: Evaluation Methods of Public Health Education Materials Name Course Tutor University City and State Date Evaluation Methods of Public Health Education Materials Introduction The prevention of diseases among individuals and populations is a fundamental part of public health education (Jewitt et al. 2015; Peterson et al. 2012). The knowledge possessed by people in the general population has an influence on their ability to prevent the development and transmission of diseases. Efforts are made to improve the awareness and knowledge of people on the causes, transmission, prevention and treatment of diseases. When the right tools and materials are used to pass these messages, it leads to an increase in the health literacy of the population. However, for this to be effective, the right materials have to be developed to be able to pass public health messages that are valid, relevant, suitable, and comprehensible to the target audience (SÃÆ' ¸rensen et al. 2012; Strachan Booth 2015). Therefore, it is important to understand the different methods that can be used to evaluate the readability, suitability, and relevance of the education materials that are devel oped for public health education (Hansberry et al. 2014). This paper outlines some of the methods that are used to evaluate public health education materials to determine their suitability and readability. Literature Search Literature search was carried out through several databases for articles published from the year 2001 and 2016 on the methods used for evaluation of public health materials. In the JAMA journal, the search used the search strings: "evaluation methods of public health materials" and "assessment of health education materialsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . After retrieving and reading the abstracts, two articles were retrieved for review in this paper. The second search was carried out through the ScHARR database. The search strings used were: "readability assessment of public health education materialsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , "evaluation of public health education materialsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , and "suitability assessment of health education materialsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . These searches generated a total of 209 articles. The abstracts of these articles were retrieved and read to assess the relevance of the paper. A total of 28 article were found to be relevant and were retrieved. These were used to discuss the evalua tion methods of public health materials in this paper. Readability of Materials The measure of the difficulty in comprehension of a health education material is referred as readability. The methods of assessing the readability of an education material encompass the use of formulas to assess the language used in the development of the material (Rudd 2011; Wilson 2009). The methods evaluate the sentence structure and the difficulty of the language used in the material. The evaluation of the readability of materials is important in ascertaining whether the given public health material can be understood and followed by the target audience. Several methods are available for assessing the readability of materials but only a few are discussed (Badarudeen Sabharwal 2010; Hamby Ickes 2015). They are categorised into two major groups of computerised and hand generated methods. In evaluating the readability of public health education materials, it is recommended that one should use more than one of the methods available to be able to generate a more valid result. Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) This a method that is used to measure the difficulty of reading the text. It measures how easy a given document is to read based on the sentence length and the syllables in the words. This gives a readability score from 0 to 100, with scores nearer to 100 indicating easy while those nearer to 0 indicating that the text is difficult to read (Badarudeen Sabharwal 2010; Keogh McHugh 2013). This means that a higher Flesch reading ease score for a public health education material is an indication that the document is easy to read. This method is inversely related to the Flesch-Kincaid grade level, such that, a higher Flesch reading ease leads to a lower Flesch-Kincaid grade level. The formula for calculating the Flesch reading ease is 206.835 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1.015(total wordsÃÆ' · total sentences) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 84.6 (total syllables ÃÆ' ·total words) (Mesmer, 2008). The FRE method is used when evaluating the readability of text in a material to determine how easy or difficult the target audience will find reading the document. It is applied easily in combination with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade level to better understand the readability of the document. A study evaluating the readability of patient education materials based on the internet found they were fairly difficult to read from the FRE score. Their grade level was established at a 13.5 median based on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level (De Oliveira et al. 2015). The Flesch-Kincaid grade level is discussed in the following section. The advantage of the FRE method is that it is available widely in the Microsoft Word processor. It is also easy to use in the software. The limitation of the Flesch Reading Ease is that the score generated from the FRE analysis might pose a difficulty in interpretation as it has a negative correlation to other readability scores. It is also available only for text written in English (Badarudeen Sabharwal 2010; Mesmer 2008). Flesch-Kincaid Grade level This is a computerised method that assesses the readability of written material. It is one of the most commonly used methods that presents the general number of years required for a person to comprehend the text in the education material. This figure is presented in terms of a grade level in the United States. The method calculates the grade level of a written material with the use of a formula: 0.39(total number of words ÃÆ' ·number of sentences) + 11.8 (total number of syllables ÃÆ' ·total number of words) -15.59. This formula presents grades from zero to seventeen. It can be used to manually calculate the grade level of the education material or the computer version can be used as a better alternative. Microsoft Word software has the formula for the Flesch-Kincaid grade level measure inbuilt for its users. This method is used when testing whether the public health education material created is comprehensive for the target population. This is useful to ensure that the material can be comprehended by all the people in the population. The recommended score for the readability of education materials based on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level is fifth to sixth grade (Hill-Briggs 2012). Several studies have been carried out to evaluate public health education materialsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ readability. This includes the study to evaluate the readability of materials used in educating populations in low-income areas in America. The study found that the mean Flesch-Kincaid grade level for the health materials was 7.01(Wilson 2009). A different study found a mean of 11.1 for the grade level score for health information on the internet, which is greater than the recommended 5th-grade level (Polishchuk et al. 2012). To find a valid grade score for a public health education material, it is necessary to carry out a readability assessment using more than one method and analyse the results to find any significant differences between the scores (Wilson 2009). The Flesch-Kincaid Grade level method is easy to use, convenient, simple and cost-effective. It is found in installed computer word processing software including Microsoft Word, which is widely used (Mesmer 2008; Polishchuk et al. 2012). However, this method does not consider individual factors that can determine the comprehension ability of an individual including the use of pictures, tables and figures in the material. It also cannot measure an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s literacy level, which varies depending on the education, and experience of the reader (Polishchuk et al. 2012). This method has been found to underestimate the difficulty of the text (Mesmer 2008). The Fry Readability Graph This method is used to assess the readability of the text in an education written material by the use of three 100-words samples selected from the text. These samples are then analysed for the average number of syllables and sentences, which are then referred on the Fry graph to determine the grade level of the writing. Three samples of 100 words each are selected from the text. The number of sentences and syllables are then counted for each of the samples. These figures are then referred on the Fry graph with the average sentence length of each sample against the average number of syllables. The point at which these figures meet gives the grade level of the text. The Fry readability graph is used when determining the readability of text that is lengthy in terms of words. It is used to determine the reading difficulty of written material in terms of the grade level. It assesses the length of the sentences and the vocabulary difficulty as determined by the number of syllables. The assessment method is simple to use. It can be well suited to evaluate the readability of health education materials that are long in terms of content. It can be used manually to generate the readability grade of the given health material. In addition, the method can be used to assess the readability of health material that is written in different languages (Badarudeen Sabharwal 2010). It also has a high correlation with other methods of evaluating the readability of text. The disadvantage of the Fry Readability Graph methods is that it requires manual calculations since software for the calculation of the grade level are not readily available. New Dale-Chall This method was developed specifically to evaluate the readability of health materials (Badarudeen Sabharwal 2010). ...
Friday, May 22, 2020
Intercultural Communication And Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural communication is defined as when people communicate with one another who have different cultures. They may differ because of their languages, beliefs, values, and behavioral characteristics (Bennett, 1998). The intercultural communication plays a key role in globalization. It will help organizations to have a long-term success if they can manage the cultural differences and intercultural cooperation effectively to conflicts. Increasing shared knowledge and dealing with miscommunication are the two main factors for having a successful intercultural communication. However, the difference in discourse systems is the most miscommunication issue that leads individuals to misunderstand and misinterpret to the contents or messages†¦show more content†¦These people need to be willing to realize the signifiers such as sounds, gestures, tones, and so on. This level also includes the basic concept of cultural diversities such as bias, ethnocentricity, and stereotype. The second level is organizing information according to stereotypes. This level is about to accept the stereotypical characteristics of new cultures. The new cultures that they face will bring them to get used to it. However, it can cause a stereotype to happen in the culture. One culture might think that all people are same in that culture. For instance, when Arabs are speaking, they like to stay close to another person. This will make another believes that all Arabs act like that. It is much more difficult if the stereotypes happen in the intercultural communication. This level has a high possibility for some people to fail at this level. The next level is to pose questions to challenge the stereotypes. They can solve the stereotypes problems by asking specific questions about other cultures. The questions need to relate to attitudes because they can increase their knowledge about other cultures. For example, they can ask how the relationship can be settled. The fourth level of interc ultural communication competence learning is analyzing communication episodes. After they understand more about other cultures, they are able to analyze the way to behave and communicate to others. They have moreShow MoreRelatedIntercultural Interpersonal Communication And Intercultural Communication Essay1301 Words  | 6 Pagesconcepts, one of which being the differences between intercultural and interpersonal communication. Intercultural communication is defined as â€Å"the process that occurs when members of two or more cultures or co-cultures exchange messages in a manner that is influenced by their different cultural perceptions and symbol systems, both verbal and nonverbal†(Adler et al., 2015, pg. 40). While most interactions seem to have some sense of intercultural aspect due to the great diversity not only in race butRead MoreIntercultural Communication : Communication, And Interpersonal Communication850 Words  | 4 Pagestime. Intercultural communication is the term given to communication that takes place between people whose cultural beliefs values and behaviours differ from one another (Buchanan 2015, p. 44). Cultural knowledge that is developed through socialisation and transferred from one generation to the next, shapes the way people communicate both verbally and nonverbally. It influences an individual’s perception of the world which in turn impacts intrapersonal communication; self-talk, and interpersonal communication;Read MoreInterpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication And Communication1699 Words  | 7 Pagesliving. My friend Vikas, told me everything he had to do and the struggles he conquered in order to make his own successful business here in the U.S. Some things he told be reminded me of interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, and intracultural communication. He had to have a lot of communication with his friend who also happened to be from India and some new friends and colleagu es he met through his journey. Of course there was homesickness and the occasional depression, but thatRead MoreUnderstanding Intercultural Communication And Interpersonal Communication Essay847 Words  | 4 Pages4. Understanding intercultural communication in interpersonal communication, greatly influence the way one delivers a message. For example, before one delivers a message, they have to take into consideration the receivers culture and whether it is high- or low- context. Knowing the difference between high- and low- context cultures is important. High-context cultures are collectivist cultures, and low-context cultures are individualistic cultures. Collectivist cultures believe that the group’s goalsRead MoreHow Adolescence Should Be Given Opportunities For Communication Among Individuals From Different Cultures1399 Words  | 6 Pagesopportunity to communicate and form bonds with individuals from another culture so that they may form intercultural friendships in a nation that continues to grow increasingly diverse. This paper explores five published articles pertaining to communication among individuals from different cultures. More specifically focusing on intercultural friendships and the importance of creating opportunities for communication across cultures in adolescents. This paper recognizes a study by the University of WisconsinRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash By Paul Haggis Essay1305 Words  | 6 Pagessocial issue or things taught in class. In this paper I will talk about the use of interpersonal, intercultural concepts, racism/stereotyping and Knapps conflict strategies. The main characters in this movie all connect with each other and they don’t even know it .In â€Å"Crash†taking place in Los Angeles, there are 10 Important characters that all end up connected to each other through interpersonal communication. You have two white LAPD officers John and Hansen, the African-American couple CameronRead More The Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory Essay686 Words  | 3 PagesThe Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory According to William B. Gudykunst in his article A Model of Uncertainty Reduction in Intercultural Encounters, the uncertainty reduction theory explains initial interactions between two strangers from the same culture. Studies, however, suggest this theory can also be extended to interpersonal communication between two people from different cultures. Uncertainty refers to how well you can accurately predict how strangers will behave during theirRead MoreIntercultural Mediation in a Postmodern World1717 Words  | 7 PagesThis presentation will focus on mediation and the very notion of intercultural mediator in a postmodern world. Mediation is the process of intercultural transformation for all parties involved and also a learning resource in newly constructed spaces of social interactions. Mediation refers to an intercultural spatiality (the socially produced space (Lefebvre 1991), which is not static but constitutive of social relations (Rick, 1997). Here it is useful to adopt Lefebvre’s unitary theory of spaceRead MoreNon-Verbal Communication and Inter-Cultural Communication Essay1249 Words  | 5 Pages Nonverbal communication is defined as the approach of conveying information and data by using speech, visuals, signs , behavior etc. Approximately 65% of the communication takes place through nonverbal attributes. Generally communication takes place with three steps. FIRST Is the thought or idea that comes in the mind of the sender. SECOND is the encoding which means sending message to the receiver in a particular gesture or sign or via a particular medium. THIRD is decoding of message which meansRead MoreIntercultural Competence Worksheet Essay1151 Words  | 5 PagesMaterial Intercultural Competence Worksheet Part 1: Short Paragraph Instructions: Respond to each question below with at least 150 words, using complete sentences. Additionally, include an example from the reading materials that supports your position. 1. What does â€Å"intercultural†communication mean to you? Intercultural communication to me means many things. It mainly means the way that people communicate throughout the different cultures that they derive from. Intercultural communication
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Is Diabetes A Serious Medical Condition - 1269 Words
Diabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to properly process food for use as energy. Most of what we eat is processed into glucose, a sugar the body requires to maintain normal and healthy function. Once glucose is produced and stored in the liver, it is released into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body for use by organs, muscle, and tissue. Insulin, a hormone created by the pancreas, is responsible to help glucose enter the body’s cells where it will be utilized as the primary source of fuel. When a person’s pancreas can’t make enough insulin to meet their need or their body is unable to use its own insulin effectively, they are said to be diabetic. Without appropriate access to†¦show more content†¦The reasons for this disparity are most likely manifold and may be attributable to: ï‚ · Social and environmental barriers to health care access. ï‚ · Lack of health promotion programs that target the DD population. ï‚ · Limited opportunities for meaningful physical activity. ï‚ · Limited understanding and participation in healthy lifestyle practices. ï‚ · Increased exposure to medications that raise blood sugar levels. Clearly the population we serve is at high risk for developing diabetes and diabetic related complications. Understanding this fact helps to underscore the importance of our need for diabetic awareness and the need to provide supports that help our participants to prevent and/or control the diabetic disease process. Types of Diabetes There are three main types of diabetes: ï‚ · Type 1 – With type 1 diabetes the body does not produce insulin to convert food into the energy needed for healthy day to day living. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed early in life when a person is a child or young adult. As there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, people inflicted with it will need lifelong insulin therapy coupled with a healthy lifestyle to live a long and happy life. ï‚ · Type 2 – With type 2 diabetes the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to meet the body’s needs or the body does not have the ability to properly utilize it. Type 2 diabetes is normally acquired
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Transgender Population Risk, Resilience And Clinical...
In Trauma in Transgender Populations: Risk, Resilience and Clinical Care Mizock and Lewis explains factors that put the transgender population at risk such as working in the sex industry or being targets of hate crimes. (Mizock Lewis, 2011, p. 336). This article also sheds light on some strategies and types of resources that can build resilience in transgender people. Mizock and Lewis gave a thorough description of what it means to be transgender, transsexual, transman etc. as these terms can often be misused and misapplied to this population. This article highlights some common traumatic experiences shared among the transgender population and how transphobia is contributing to this problem. (Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.336). I feel this†¦show more content†¦To imagine the thoughts and emotions a transgender can experience in effort to obtain a regular 9-5 job, who may feel so helpless and desperate that they decide to become a sex worker is frightening to me. I also didnâ€⠄¢t know transgender sex workers take â€Å"street hormones†in order to make themselves more â€Å"marketable†(Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.340). Prior to reading the article, I thought the transitioning process for transgenders was more accessible such as receiving the necessary hormone medications. Another risky behavior I was unaware of is among transwomen who â€Å"cut themselves in order to draw blood once a month to mimic the menstrual cycle†(Mizock Lewis, 2011, p.343). Although I understand the purpose of the cut, I don’t understand the purpose of the cut. It seems like transgender people are at a battle with themselves about who they want to be versus what the world dictates on how they should be. Not to go off topic but New York seems to be one of the most welcoming places for groups of different cultures and sub populations. I’m not saying hate crimes don’t happen to any marginalized groups in New York but I feel overall we’re very accepting of everyone. I’m beginning to wonder is it because I’ve lived in New York for so long that I’m blinded to what experiences marginalizedShow MoreRelatedTransgender Women And Depression : Cbt Approaches3770 Words  | 16 PagesTransgender women and Depression: CBT Approaches This paper will address the following topics in relation to applying TA-CBT strategies to Transgender women contending with depression. Why depression is a problem among transgender women, how CBT can be applied to working with women who are dealing with depression, the history and development of CBT, how TA-CBT can be used in practice, and evidence that supports the application of TA-CBT in treating depression among Transgender women. By utilizingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesmethods used in studies of organizational behavior.) Evidence-based management (EBM) complements systematic study by basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence. For example, we want doctors to make decisions about patient care based on the latest available evidence, and EBM argues that managers should do the same, becoming more scientific in how they think about managem ent problems. A manager might pose a managerial question, search for the best available evidence, and apply
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ecological Integrity At Risk for the Cadron Creek...
The Cadron Creek watershed covers approximately 775 square miles and is composed mostly of forests (48%) and grassland (37%). However, a pending permit, AR0052086C, would allow a centralized waste treatment facility to discharge, recycled fracking fluid waste waters into an unnamed tributary located within the Cadron Creek watershed. This unnamed tributary flows directly into Linn Creek, which would then feed into the north fork of the Cadron and eventually into the Arkansas river (ADEQ 2013). The Cadron Creek, located within the Arkansas river basin, is listed by the US Army Corps of Engineers as an extraordinary resource water body or ERWB (USACE 2013). ERWBs are important, because they satisfy a broad range of socio-economic, cultural,†¦show more content†¦Headwater streams are of particular interest, because they have much smaller catchment sizes in relation to larger rivers and thus are more readily altered by land transformations (Meyer 2007). Land transformation as a result of anthropogenic effects continues to be one of the biggest threats to the ecological integrity of headwater streams today. Land transformation induced by human alterations to the landscape, have been shown to have negative impacts on habitat, water quality, and the biota of natural waterways (Allan 2004). For instance, in 2004 Gage found that macro invertebrates were negatively impacted by anthropogenic mediated land use, which often lead to declines and even eliminations of sensitive taxa from the stream (Gage et. al. 2004). Urbanization is considered to be one of the driving forces behind land transformation and is mainly responsible for increases in impervious surface area. Increases in impervious surface area have led to the rapid conveyance of storm waters, resulting in the increased presence of oils, metals, and road salts within surface waters (Moore et. al. 2005). The increased presence of these solutes are leading to variations in ionic concentrations that deviate from natural concentrations, thus altering the conductivity within the water systems. Conductivity is the measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical
Ethics Final Free Essays
Humans decided to start categorizing, and grouping humans based on various things. Research shows that man is of but one kind, and not like an animal of several species (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics Final or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Humans have assumed that because people with different skin color, different cultural beliefs, or different ways of thinking that they must be of a different biological race (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Society has created everything from what foods to eat, what music to listen to, to what they teach their children and true generations about acceptance of each other and passing on racial beliefs. Politicians and people of wealth have been notorious for labeling groups and racial profiling to get the higher up so to speak, or to create justification in the community. Race began simply a categorization of physical biological characteristics such as hair type, shape of the eyes and nose, and skin color (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). White was white, and black was black; then came the categorizing of additional attributes such as afro-textured hair and large noses on African Americans, or olive skin, slanted yes, and shiny Jet black hair in Asians. Biologically speaking there is nothing as simple as black and white. For many, many years people have relocated or traveled all over the world and mingled and procreated with other races which has now mixed traits, and been passed down generation after generation. It seems virtually Impossible to truly Identify a person’s race, because I find It hard to believe there would be any â€Å"purebreds†during this day and age. 2. How has the media contributed to prejudice and discrimination against Asian Americans? How might these problems be remedied? The media has contributed to the prejudice and discrimination against Asian American in several ways that demonstrate insensitivity and biased reporting. According to our textbook, the media has had a negative Impact on the views of Aslant Americans by using Inappropriate clicks, mistaken Identity, personalization, using ethnic slurs, biased and inflammatory reporting, bashing their native Japan, media Invisibility, and even model minority which sets the positive standards of Aslant Americans too high (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Stereotyping them as a â€Å"model minority†creases tenet chances AT acceptance when It comes to social programs, employment, and other social ills (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Asian Americans are often times viewed as well-educated and successful. Little does society notice that these Asian Americans do not normally hold high corporate positions, rather they are running their small own business and employ their family, taking care of one another as best they can. The media and even entertainment honchos never embrace Asian Americans as athletes or potential celebrities with mainstream roles. Asian Americans are never heard and asked for their input when the media is addressing problems in their community, as well when it comes to issues regarding Asia (Schaefer, R, T. (2006). These problems of negative portrayal against Asian Americans held by the media can be remedied by first of all overcoming the idea that they are a â€Å"model minority’ and realize that they work hard, love their families, sought the United States to live the â€Å"American Dream†and try to escape poverty. The media can choose their words wisely refraining from any slur words or phrases such as â€Å"Asian Invasion†or â€Å"Orient Express†. The media should also express the increased population in areas of heavy Asian descent I also believe the media should tell or write stories of influence such as Asian Americans striving in America, working 7 days a week to make ends meet. I think the media should exploit the poverty side of the Asian American community to help decrease the model minority views so they may be eligible for more minority programs. References Schaefer, R, T. (2006). Racial and ethnic groups (10th deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. How to cite Ethics Final, Papers
Disadvantages of Online Shopping free essay sample
Disadvantages of Online Shopping. According to Wikipedia (2004), online shopping is the process consumers go through to pay for products or services over the internet. An online shop, Internet shop, web shop or online store evokes the physical similarity of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. Shopping through the internet might have advantages and disadvantages. So, disadvantages of online shopping are has dull shopping experience, risk of online fraud, requires high cost, and lack of quality examination. Firstly, online shopping has lack of quality examination. According to Jessica (2009), there is lack of touch of merchandise because we are only able to see pictures of the items on the website. Besides, we are not able to try the merchandise on especially clothing. According to Watrous (2010), we cannot really know for sure the item that we are buying is really what we want to buy. Not like a regular store, we cannot see and feel firsthand what we are purchasing. In addition, when we shop from a regular shop, we can see, touch or even try the merchandise on especially clothing and at least visually examine that it looks okay. Not only that, we can talk to a sales person to illuminate doubts regarding an item. Other than that, online shopping requires us to just take the word of the description of the merchandise which is usually smartly crafted by online stores to make it sound appealing to people. Normally, the pictures of the items we see online are much better than once we have the items in front of us. According to Norman (2008), we have to buy the item relying purely on a picture and description, we cannot feel or see exactly the item we want to buy. It can sometimes be quite hard to judge the size or quality of some items purely from a picture. Hence, it is better if we shop from a regular store, at least we are satisfying with ourselves to buy an item after do an examination on it. Therefore, there are enough evidences to prove that online shopping has lack of quality examination. Secondly, online shopping requires high cost. According to Norman (2008), online shopping requires to pay shipping costs. Jessica (2009) states that only a few sites offer free shipping, some others will ship for free only if our total purchase price exceeds a certain amount. Besides, for some products, the shipping cost might be more expensive than the price of the purchased product. For example, to purchase a set of skin care from overseas, the cost of the shipping from overseas to Malaysia is much more expensive than the skin care itself. According to Norman (2008), this could take several weeks if we have purchased a product from overseas, and the costs of shipping may outweigh any savings we made on the purchase price. Other than that, one other issue of online shopping is when we purchasing a wrong item by misinterpretation or misunderstanding, we have to pay the cost of shipping that item back if we want to return it. According to Jessica (2009), even if the seller agrees to take back the defective merchandise, we often have to pay the cost of shipping it back. Additionally, we have to call and convince the people regarding the reason of our return. Most online stores have a restocking fee, especially on electronic items. According to Jessica (2009), items that we buy in a store, can be opened within the store in front of an associate after purchase, and if there is an apparent defect we can return or replace it without paying a restocking fee which is usually between 10 to 20 percent. Although an online shopping site may not charge us a sales tax during the purchase, we are legally indebted to pay taxes when we file annual taxes especially if we live in a taxable state. So, we can conclude that online shopping requires high cost. Thirdly, online shopping has risk of online fraud. Online shopping buyers have more chances to encounter fraud because of disappearance of online shopping site, fraud of the actual price of item, and credit card fraud. According to Chits 3 (2007), the site of online shopping may shut down unexpectedly. Not only that, credit card fraud is commonly happen every time we use our credit card for an online purchase. According to Chits 3 (2007) again, it is because making payments online is not always safe. There may be sites which are not secure or do not encrypt our personal credit card data. So, if a hacker breaks in their system, our personal data can be compromised. Other than that, Chits 3 (2007) states that some online shopping sites pretend selling items at a very cheap price and often us a low quality item which is not like our expectation regarding the item. In other cases, the online shopping site may be disappear unexpectedly which is leaving a lot of online shopping buyers who might have already paid for the item but did not receive anything. In addition, shopping online can also take us to phishing sites which want to defraud us. Phishing is another danger, where consumers are fooled into thinking they are dealing with a reputable retailer, when they have actually been manipulated into feeding private information to a system operated by a malicious party. Therefore, we can conclude that online shopping has risk of online fraud. Finally, online shopping has dull shopping experience. There are differences between shopping in the mall with online shopping. According to Jessica (2009), we cannot feel the experience by socializing with people around us. In addition, online shopping makes us to have narrowed minded. According to Jessica (2009) again, online shopping buyers do not enjoy the ambiance and feel more social when shopping over the internet. Online shopping can be boring for many and make us feel lonely. According to Watrous (2010), not all online shopping sites have succeeded in making their sites easy to use or reliable. It is because majority of regular stores have made it easy to find the style one is looking for, as well as the price range that is acceptable making the experience quick and efficient. The internet has made shopping an almost effortless task. It is because experienced users focus more on the variables that directly influence the task, while beginner users are focusing more on understanding the information. In addition, according to Jinnie (2005), we cannot fully experience our goods through online. Online shoppers are not able to try or touch the item especially clothing that they want to buy rather than shopping in a regular store. Hence, online shopping has dull shopping experience. In conclusion, disadvantages of online shopping are has dull shopping experience, risk of online fraud, requires high cost, and lack of quality examination.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Online Reservation free essay sample
Based on the ever-increasing demand for online services, one would think that most businesses maintain an online presence that includes customer self-scheduling. However, this assumption is not necessarily true, as many businesses do not offer such services to its customers. And while they dont, their competitors may. Online reservation system can be the missing piece of the puzzle that gives businesses the edge over their competitors. Until fairly recently, the most common method of scheduling appointments and reservations-as well as managing customer information-was with a paper appointment book. Customers call into a business, the receptionist, staff member or other person answering the phone checks availability, and then that individual writes down the appointment or reservation. If the business has the resources, it may make reminder phone calls or send an appointment card or other document in the mail prior to the scheduled time. More recently, some businesses opted for electronic calendars such as those offered by Google and Microsoft Outlook to handle their scheduling needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Reservation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although more functional than pen and paper, most still lack the functionality to fully automate a business scheduling processes. To accomplish this, businesses and organizations turned to online reservation system. And its that simple for customers as well, should a business offer online self-scheduling. Its a feature that can really help it stand out from its competitors. (Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/4492658) According to the author – Andrew Jone (January 27, 2011), online reservation system was initially developed in the 1960s to help the airlines manage their ticket transactions but later even the travel agencies started using it to simplify the processes for its clients. Not only travel related studies but also other booking transactions that needs reservations. Today online reservation system is even accessible to consumers through Internet Gateways and it allows the users to book hotel rooms, rent cars as well as book online airline tickets, which is definitely a more convenient way of making your travel plans. However, the functionality is tailored to solve the purpose specific demand of consumers. This modern day online reservation system is a mechanism which has helped e-tourism reach completely new heights. The locally rooted travel industries are now able to reach to more customers worldwide and expanding their business. The completely automated booking and reservation processes have helped business managers save time, human resource and focus on other aspect of business development. The benefits of online reservation system are surely too many which is why this fully automated booking system is such a hit in the service industries. (Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/601718) According to the author – George Szifo (September 18, 2008), The online reservation systems or online booking systems has simplified our way of living and made the online booking industry far more efficient and effective. It is expensive to develop online booking software because it requires skilled labor and takes a lot of time. The availability of online reservation system makes our task easier with more available software on the market. We are able to use online reservation software for all industries like travel, hotels, food etc. There are a few options to consider before you select the very best online reservation software system. You need to think about your audience. Who is this software directed towards? Are you creating a website for a simple bed and breakfast, a small hotel, or a timeshare opportunity? These are important questions you need to answer first. Once you have figured out your target audience, you can move forward with the layout of the website. Easy to use make sure that the software is both easy for you to understand as well as your future clientele.
Monday, April 13, 2020
How to Write Interesting Descriptive Essay Topics
How to Write Interesting Descriptive Essay TopicsWriting an interesting descriptive essay topics is a skill that you must have if you want to get your essay published. There are hundreds of choices, but there are also thousands of ways that you can do it. So in this article, I will give you a few tips that will help you find the best way to write.The first thing you want to do is determine what kind of subject you want to write about. There are a ton of subject areas out there. If you want to be technical, there are tons of subjects you can choose from. If you want to be lighthearted, there are tons of subjects you can choose from. If you want to discuss animals, there are tons of topics you can choose from.The first thing you need to decide on what kind of subject you want to write about. If you want to write a technical essay, then make sure you choose a topic that will let you talk about computers, aerospace or something that is related to technology. If you want to write a lighth earted essay, then make sure that you pick topics that will allow you to talk about animals, say a funny story, or something about life.After you have decided on what kind of subject you want to write about, you now need to pick a topic for the entire essay. This topic should not be too long, or it will make it hard to write. Also, keep in mind that in a newspaper, you usually have about twenty columns, so make sure that your essay will fit the constraints of the newspaper.When you write an interesting descriptive essay topics, make sure that you have a clear idea in your head. Most writers think that if they leave their ideas for the essay blank, then they will have no trouble with it. This is just not true.In order to write an essay, you should write in a creative manner, so that you will stay fresh in your mind. You can think of little ideas and doodle them onto your paper or essay until you come up with an interesting topic. Also, think of funny lines to bring life to your essay .Now that you know how to write descriptive essay topics, you can make sure that it is easy for the editor or publisher to judge your work. After all, they want something that is interesting, and they will not care what you wrote, as long as it is interesting.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Predictions about Global Capitalism and the Rise of the BRIC Powers as Challengers to the United States The WritePass Journal
Predictions about Global Capitalism and the Rise of the BRIC Powers as Challengers to the United States ABSTRACT Predictions about Global Capitalism and the Rise of the BRIC Powers as Challengers to the United States ABSTRACTRealism, Security and Global CapitalismConclusions about the Future Multipolar World OrderREFERENCESRelated ABSTRACT In this proposal, what I really want to do is predict what role the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, China, and India) will play in the international system over the next century based mostly on secondary sources. It is based on realist premises that in the decades ahead the international system will continue to be in a state of ‘anarchy’. Economically, China and India alone are likely to surpass the U.S. economically by 2050, although they are also likely to become rivals in Asia rather than allies. I think that the world system will continue to evolve into an increasingly multipolar direction, with the Great Powers seeking a balance in the Asia-Pacific region. This region is rapidly becoming the new centre of global capitalism, and the future strategic (and of course the economic) balance of power will be decided there. My main research question is really an attempt to predict the role the BRIC countries will play in the international capitalist system over the next century, relying mainly on secondary sources. I have provided a list of these in the references and will refer to them in this proposal at least insofar as attempting to explain the main ideas I derived from them for making my predictions. Obviously this thesis will have to combine theories of realism and global capitalism, and address economics and security. Economically, I do think that the BRIC countries of Brazil, China, India and Russia are likely to surpass the U.S. by 2050, but I am also of the opinion that the post-1945 international system in which the U.S. was the hegemonic capitalist power has been in decline for quite some time. China alone is already on track to surpass the U.S. and the European Union in overall GNP and GDP by 2050, if not GDP per capita, and India will probably not be far behind (Ikenberry 2008) . Of all the Asian states, only India is has the potential to attain great power status in the 21st Century that will rival the Chinese (Ganguly and Pordesi. 2007 and Dickson 2007). Realism, Security and Global Capitalism I am not going to assert that global capitalism will suffer a major breakdown and collapse or that any of the great powers will break with the system and set up independent economic blocs. For the last thirty years, though, capitalism has meant the free trade and laissez faire system of the Washington Consensus, which of course is hardly a new ideology (Friedman 2005). These 19th Century ideas may have been discredited by the recent depression, making the more authoritarian capitalist models of Russia and China more appealing that than neoliberalism. Neither Russia nor China are really likely to become democracies, but will continue to have authoritarian governments with capitalist economic systems (Dickson 2005). I am also sceptical of the theory that the capitalist system necessarily becomes more liberal or democratic with higher levels of economic development, since history shows that capitalism can function well enough under authoritarian regimes, as in Russia and Chi na (Olson 1993). All the BRIC nations will remain strongly tied to the global capitalist system, but they will also have to address their own internal problems of extreme poverty and mal-distribution of wealth (World Bank 2011). Global capitalism will therefore continue to expand in this century, along with the new developments in computers, robots, biotechnology, genetic engineering and communications technology that have fuelled its rise all along (Ohmae 2005). I do not expect that there will be any serious alternative to global capitalism in the foreseeable future, although that system can operate in many forms, whether liberal, fascist, laissez faire or social democratic. As recent events have shown yet again, the more unregulated and free market types of capitalism are far too prone to instability, speculative booms and crashes (Hetzel 2008). This is one reason why 21st Century capitalism may turn out to resemble the Keynesian and social democratic type that was dominant in 1945-70 rather than the 19th Century laissez faire version (Skidelsky 2010 and Clarke 2009). Unregulated, laissez faire capitalism on a global scale also has too many features of injustice, exploitation and inequality to ever become a truly popular system (Klein 2009, Scheper-Hughes 2005, Shiva 2004, and Shiva and Hulla-Bhar 2004). Conclusions about the Future Multipolar World Order I predict that the international order will increasingly become multipolar, and that the democratic capitalist countries (the U.S., India and Brazil) may form a bloc against the authoritarian capitalist states of Russia and China. I also believe that in practice, BRIC really means China, India and Brazil since Russia is also a declining power whose main function is to supply oil and other raw materials (Ikenberry 2008).  I will not predict that the multipolar system will inevitably lead to another world war, especially given that three of the BRIC countries are already declared nuclear powers. I doubt that any confrontations between the major players in Asia will result in another world war, or even in a revival of the Cold War, and for the sake of the world it would be much better for all concerned to avert a major conflict between nuclear-armed states. There are also obstacles to the rise of China and India to possible superpower status, just as the relative or absol ute decline of the United States is not inevitable (Varshney 2007). To the extent that nation-states still have the power to decide these matters, and the current recession indicates that states still retain considerable autonomy in economic policy rather than simply existing as the playthings of capitalists and ‘the markets’, they will not choose the type of capitalism that seems most vulnerable to severe recessions and depressions that have a negative impact on all countries in the world system (Li 2010).  In time, a global capitalist class is bound to develop and along with it new international institutions that will replace the current ‘anarchy’ of the world system and all the classical Great Power rivalries. There are already signs that this is occurring, but it seems highly unlikely that the process will be completed in the foreseeable future (Appelrouth and Edles 2011). REFERENCES Appelrouth, S. and L.D. Edles 2011. Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings, 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications. Friedman, T. L. 2005. â€Å"It’s a Flat World, After All†. New York Times Magazine, April 3, 2005, pp. 33-37. Clarke, P. 2009. Keynes: The Rise, Fall and Return of the 20th Century’s Most Influential Economist. Bloomsbury Press. Dickson, B. J. 2007. â€Å"The Party is far from Over†. Current History (September 2007), pp. 243-45. Ganguly, S. and M. S. Pordesi. 2007. â€Å"India Rising: What is New Dehli to Do? World Policy Journal (Spring 2007), pp. 9-18. Hetzel, R. L. 2008. The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve: A History. Cambridge University Press. Ikenberry, J. G. 2008. â€Å"The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive?†Foreign Affairs, Vol. 87, No. 1 (January/February 2008), pp. 1-9. Klein, N. 2009. No Logo. Vintage Canada. Li, Minqi 2010. â€Å"The End of the ‘End of History’: The Structural Crisis of Capitalism and the Fate of Humanity†. Science Society, Vol. 74, No. 3 (July 2010), pp. 290-305. Olson, M. 1993. â€Å"Dictatorship, Democracy and Development†. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 87, No. 3 (September 1993), pp. 567-76. Ohmae, K. 2005. The Next Global Stage: Challenges and Opportunities in our Borderless World. Pearson-Prentice Hall. Scheper-Hughes, N. 2005. The Last Commodity: Post-Human Ethics and the Global Traffic in ‘Fresh’ Organs†in A. Ong and S.J. Collier, eds. Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. London: Blackwell Publishers, 2005: 145-67. Shiva, V. 2004. â€Å"Biotechnological Development and the Conservation of Biodiversity†in A. Abbas and J.N. Erni (eds). Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishing, 2004: 30-42. Shiva, V. and R. Hulla-Bhar 2004. â€Å"Piracy by Patent: The Loss of the Neem Tree†in Abbas and Erni, 2004: 146-59. Skidelsky, R. 2010. Keynes: The Return of the Master. Perseus Books Group. Trompenaars, F. and C. Hamden-Turner 2010. Riding the Waves of Innovation: Harnessing the Power of Global Culture to Drive Creativity and Growth. McGraw-Hill. Varshney, Ashutush 2007.. â€Å"India’s Democratic Challenge†. Foreign Affairs, March/April 2007: 1-9. Virilio, P. 2005. The Information Bomb. London: Verso, 2005. World Bank 2001. Inequality in Focus: An Overview of Global Income Inequality.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
What to Do if You Missed the SAT
What to Do if You Missed the SAT So, you are one of those people who registered for the Redesigned SAT and, for whatever reason didnt take it. Maybe you had the flu on test day (which would be decidedly awful) or perhaps you pulled an all-nighter on Friday and didnt feel up to par when you woke up on Saturday morning. Maybe, you thought better about taking the SAT when you hadnt prepared for it and instead of taking the test, you opted to sign for an SAT prep class instead. No matter the reason, you decided not to take the SAT on the day you had initially chosen. The question is, what in the world do you do now? There is an answer to your question, and it is not going to cost you your SAT score, your college admissions, or a ton of money, either. What Will Happen After Missing the SAT If you have registered for an SAT test but decided not to show up to take the exam, two things are going to happen to you moving forward: You will get a credit. The registration fee you paid for the SAT test will sit in your College Board account just waiting to be used again. Thats good news, right? You thought you or your parents would be out of luck when it came to the cash, but thats not how it works. Sure, you will not get a refund (life isnt always that easy), but the money is not completely lost unless you choose to never take the SAT because you think you dont need it or because the ACT suits you better. Your registration for that date will go away. Go ahead and breathe a quick sigh of relief. You will not get a zero on the test for not showing up to take it. Dont sweat it. Bonus? Colleges and universities will never know that you registered to take the SAT and did not make it to the testing center. Moving Forward Now what? Should you go ahead and register to take the exam another time? Are you able to do so? Is there a compelling reason to take the SAT at all? Actually, there are four good reasons to take the SAT, so wed strongly recommend it unless youre going to take the ACT. The good news is that you can take it again. The College Board wont hold it against you that you did not show up the first time. If you decide to register again, you can transfer your SAT registration to another test date coming up by paying a transfer fee. It isnt free, but its better than having to pay for the whole SAT again. This time, however, be sure to pay attention to your preparation. Preparing for the SAT There are dozens of test prep companies out there hoping that you will choose them when it comes time to get ready for the SAT exam. This time, you are going to make sure you do that, right? Right. Before you do, take a peek at the following informational articles to help set you on the right path.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Health care - Essay Example This diversification approach is comparable to the saying that one should avoid putting all eggs in one basket. Individuals can also avoid the unnecessary risk of investing their capital at the wrong occasion. Once one has saved the money, he or she should carefully consider effective options vital for diversification strategy. Diversification is crucial because it guarantees an individual towards improving the chances of losing money. 2. Although many individuals view health care regulatory as a hindrance to their business, the regulatory are crucial because they protect the public safety. This is because the regulations are meant to protect the interest of the public. However, many regulations are created by incumbent to protect the health care market especially from competitors. Many individuals in the health care find it difficult to enter the health care field because of the risks being involved and regulatory policies. However, one should be ready to risk financial security and career in an effort of transforming innovations into economic goods. He or she should understand the health care market effectively, and develop a clear vision or extremely work hard to become successful. In case an individual is interested in the health care field, he or she should appreciate the roles and limitations of new technologies as well as health care regulatory requirements. This is because the health care regulations a re crucial because they help to protect the consumer from consuming harmful
Monday, February 3, 2020
Polarity analysis of the situation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Polarity analysis of the situation - Term Paper Example Polarity analysis of the situation Questions are used for probing and developing understanding of the situation. The questions are important during the verification and acquisition of data. Data collection depends on the questions asked or used during the probing. However, the questions used in the process must address issues in the situation. The difference between open and close ended questions is the response type. An open ended question is a question that cannot be answered using a simple answer because of the nature of the question (Paton, Paton and McCalman 132). Closed-end question or questions that require simple answers such as yes or no. however, each question has the role to play in the research process. The open ended question is useful when collecting diverse information. Closed questions ensure accurate data collection with the success but limit the scope of operation. When diverse data are needed, open ended question is helpful. Opened-ended questions are the best in diverse data collection which involv es the creation of open ended questions that can be answered by the respondents. Open-ended questions are simpler to administer, but their data are hard to analyze and have a conclusive result. The use of open ended questions is effective when collecting the data for product upgrade or improvement with the success of upgrade resulting from.Problem solving approach is one of the most common approaches in solution provision. The success of the approach is based on the ability to address several problems that have already been highlighted and identified.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Us Immigration System Is Broken Politics Essay
The Us Immigration System Is Broken Politics Essay Mass immigration to the United States in search of better jobs has been a subject of discussion for decades. Policy makers have been faced with a complex situation to balance the need to attract foreign talent, while on the other side reduce the risks associated with illegal immigration. The current issue is to streamline the bureaucratic process of gaining visas to deal with thousands of illegal immigrants that are currently residing in the US. This is because; these immigrants play a significant role in building the economy of the state. The Current Status of Immigration Debate The issue of illegal immigration to the US is currently posing equal and contradicting issues. On one side, these immigrants are seen as having a significant positive contribution towards the economy while on the other side; they are considered to be leading to economic drain. It is argued that they grab jobs that are meant to be for Americans or they take up those jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. Hence, illegal immigration ought to be addressed so as to yield maximum benefits from the foreign workers while at the same time reducing the inherent risks. The US census that was reported in May 2012 show that more than half of all births in the US come from ethnic minorities. US Response to Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration to the US has been classified as a humanitarian crisis which calls for immediate actions. Statistics however show that efforts to deal with this issue have strolled since the 20th century to the 21st and still in progress till date. It is evident that a lot more is needed to curb the situation other than stronger border enforcements. In 2006, the US government led by Bush who was the president at that time begun strengthening the security at the border. This was through enhancing both physical and technological infrastructure, increasing man power and other advanced technological ways to seal gaps at the borders. While a significant percentage of these improvements were put in place, there still exist more gaps which call for the current government to take a further step. The current president of the United States has a four part strategy that aims at reshaping the immigration status in the US. This strategy was among the chapters that won him interest of many to reelect him in the 2012 general election. President Obama made his people believe that there are fair and effective ways that can be used to deal with the issue of immigrants while ensuring respect is earned on both sides. He further said that common sense has to be used to ensure that US and the home countries of the immigrants receive respect in the way the immigrants are treated. Below are the four strategies of dealing with immigrants Strengthen Security at the Borders Long before Obama became the president of America, he expressed doubt in the number of police patrols at the borders. Other than increasing the number of the security force, Obama puts more emphasis on the tools used to curb crime associated with immigrants. Improved technology and better infrastructure have been put across to foster national security across the borders. Secondly, president Obama proposed a national operation to track all employers who are recruiting persons with no legal documents. The fact that these immigrants enter the states with the sole hope of gaining better employment, the best way to track them is to audit employment records in all companies. This way, no firm will seek to employ persons who have not being legally authorized to work in the US. This is way all firms will be held accountable of any illegal employee who is working for them. This serves as a respectful strategy towards discouraging illegal entrance into America while on the other side encouraging legal immigration. Enhancing Citizenship It would be unethical to chase away close to eleven million immigrants who are currently residing in the US. Therefore, the best way to deal with them is to encourage them to pursue US citizenship. This is a polite way to entice them to come out of their hide outs without punishing innocent persons. To enhance this process, they are required to take personal initiative to learn English, pass national security and criminal background checks, pay penalties and other relevant requirements. Foster Legal Immigration The process of obtaining citizenship for immigrants in the US is comprised of beuractratic processes that are discouraging. This was a proposal to benefit all illegal immigrants who are willing to pursue immigration procedures. This is a move to ensure that entrepreneurs who hold a significant portion in the economy are not disturbed. Recommendations to Deal With Illegal Immigration The issue of illegal migration is no longer trivial to be handled through a single means rather a complex approach has to be assumed. This is an approach that entails: Enhance border security. President Obama says that currently the borders are secure enough to curb to effectively deal with illegal immigration. It is however important to note that the technology used to sneak immigrants across the border changes from day to the other. As a result, this rate of advancements needs to be met with similar rate of technological advancements. These include automatic sensors or cameras and aerial vehicles that provide real time patrol and detection. In addition, the role of securing borders should be a shared responsibility to both the US and its neighbors. Rejection of proposals of Amnesty: Considering the amnesty of 1986 that let free close to three million illegal immigrants in the US, it is noted that amnesty pulls back the efforts to do away with illegal immigration. The Administration ought to enforce strict measures towards amnesty situations. This is to mean that Amnesty should be exercised on conditions that if released, immigrants will be required to return to the countries of their origin. Programs to address the push-pull effect: Illegal immigration to the US is encouraged by the push-pull effect that exists in Latin America and the United States. The push effect refers to the slow economic growth rates in the neighboring countries a factor that forces its citizens to seek for employment from across borders. On the other side, the pull effect refers to the attraction by the need for labor in the US. This can be dealt with by establishing a temporary work program in the US. This will ensure continuos supply of labor to US companies. In an indirect manner, this is a way to foster free market reforms in the US neighboring nations so as to boost their economic opportunities. Boost law enforcement measures in America: Since the government of Obama took office, there has been a notable neglect on security measures in the US. For instance; the Social Security No-Match has been abandoned. This was a means to notify employers during recruitment the legal status and duties of all relevant candidates. On a similar note, the Obama government has been said to have reduced trial of non criminal immigrants once spotted residing in the US. The fact that these two enforcements have been weakened; it is a clear indication to the outside world that migrating illegally to the US is not a big issue as long as one does not commit criminal acts. Public diplomacy to prevent illegal immigration: there is a need to study the patterns of immigration in the US. Public diplomacy should act out of survey information so as to avoid launching blind strategies. Immense concern should be directed to states that show enormous numbers in immigration and these include; Central America, Caribbean and Mexico. In fact, US ambassadors to these states ought to make known to those intending to migrate illegally to the US that they will face the full force of law. Similarities between Immigration Debates Of Both 20th And 21st Century Since the dawn of the twentieth century, the US government has put efforts towards dealing with illegal immigrants residing in the states. This same debate has continued till the 21st century. Each new government promises to put adequate measures that will ensure the issue of illegal immigration into the US enters the books of history. It can however be noted that the issue continues to disturb the economy of the US while at the same time it is boosting the economy. Illegal immigrants have significantly earned the state considerable amounts of money through offering cheap labor in the various US owned firms. This is a factor that has drawn back the efforts of chasing illegal immigrants to go back to their home countries. While on one side the government is struggling to make situations unfavorable for immigrants, private owned firms on the other side are offering better conditions to these immigrants. Private investors have for a long time now been directed the blame of attracting illegal immigration. This is because they seek cheap unskilled labor from these immigrants. The fact that immigrants belong to nations of low economic status makes it possible for them to accept low wages at the places of work. This is a factor that has curtailed the efforts of seeking illegal immigrants residing in the US. Racism and Illegal Immigration in the US The issue of Illegal immigration has not separated itself from the talk of racial discrimination. It is remembered that an article in the Washington Post dated 20th May 2006, showed that a significant percentage of children under five years constituted the Hispanics. This became an issue of concern because Hispanics are partial blacks and hence it seemed blacks are taking over the population of the US. Also, the parliamentary debate to grant legal citizenship to close to twelve million immigrants in the US was met with fierce resistance. To some extent, this resistance was fueled with the move to bar permitting blacks from gaining legal citizenship in the US. Though it might not sound right to say that immigration debates were filled with racism, it is evident that several moves were controlled by racial factor. For instance; there was a strong move to seal the Mexico-US border and send tighten patrol around this area. It is also noted that at the Canada-US border there were no proposed security improvements. The fact that Mexicans are blacks and Canadians resemble Americans is enough to prove the relationship between tribalism and illegal immigration. Racism has been seen to significantly affect the efforts towards dealing with illegal immigration. Though the above moves may be based on a pure need to deal with illegal immigration, the claim of close relationship between racism and illegal immigration still holds some truth. It is crucial at this point to note the African American discrimination that has for a long time thrived in the US. Though it is argued that equality has been achieved, there still exists those schools that are purely meant for Americans. As at now, the federal law in Arizona requires all legal immigrants to prove their legal residency whenever they travel to the US. It however proves humanely difficult to declare a person an illegal immigrant if they entered the US on human reasons. These reasons include the search for treatment, education or better paying job. These are considered rightful in the human perspective, however illegal according to the federal law. The New York Times published an anonymous letter on 1st May 2010 that indicated evidence of racial discrimination to illegal immigrants. The author of this letter notes that there exists racial profiling in Arizona when it comes to issues of illegal immigration. Conclusion The issue of illegal immigration has being a subject of discussion for quite some time in the United States. Though the state benefits from low wage labor, it cannot ignore the risks associated with illegal migration. Among these risks is the increase in security threats. Political leaders and policy makers have argued out that they can provide effective and fair means to deal with this issue. Though their methods may have worked, there is still a long way to go. The move now is leaning towards implementing the four strategies proposed by President Obama. These are fair moves aimed at reducing the benefits of migrating to the US while increasing the risk of residing in the US illegally. For instance, the use of E-verify to decrease the ease of illegal immigrants from obtaining employment is a fair and polite manner of discouraging illegal immigration. Even today, the immigration system remains broken because there has not been effective moves to address the issue of illegal immigration. Even the current government that had won the interest of almost everyone in the way it had promised to address the issue of illegal immigration seems not to succeed. This is because it is exercising contradictory measures in dealing with the situation. While the government proposes an audit to identify illegal immigrants in the firms, it also exercises neglect on Social Security No-Match. This way the whole journey towards curbing illegal immigration seems broken. There is no single definite move rather complex moves that seem to be contradictory. Also, the current means being employed to curb illegal immigration are inhuman and cost the state millions of money. For instance; the government has been said to have spent millions of money in detaining illegal immigrants and also, the detainees face inhuman conditions while awaiting trial. Woks cited
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